Very recently i got the opportunity to lay my hands on very early issues of Stardust Annuals from which i am posting the covers of few of its initial issues.
Stardust,a gossip and paparazzi magazine which intended to dig and highlight the personal and private dark side of Bollywood stars,was introduced in 1972 with a motive to gain quick popularity and business by bringing out in public the dark side of life of Bollywood stars which was against their screen image and which they wished to be remained concealed.
Stardust very first Annual was out in year 1973 after which magna publication has been successful to bring out Annuals every year till now.
These annuals,though lacking in quality reading material relating to artistic side of Hindi Films,are quite rich in vintage photographs of various moods of actors/actress/artists of those times.Posted here are few of such images for example.
Annual issues add to the charm of publication provided if they include something different and special than normal issues,and considering this fact Stardust annuals were quite special if magnitude of pictures in color and in various moods are to be considered.
Annual issues were introduced by 'Star & Style' magazine right in late 60's after which the trend was followed up by Stardust and thereafter by Filmfare.
Much more including nostalgic and vintage articles from vintage old magazines and evergreen images of actors/actress will be coming here on this space only so pl be in touch.
Stardust,a gossip and paparazzi magazine which intended to dig and highlight the personal and private dark side of Bollywood stars,was introduced in 1972 with a motive to gain quick popularity and business by bringing out in public the dark side of life of Bollywood stars which was against their screen image and which they wished to be remained concealed.
Stardust very first Annual was out in year 1973 after which magna publication has been successful to bring out Annuals every year till now.
These annuals,though lacking in quality reading material relating to artistic side of Hindi Films,are quite rich in vintage photographs of various moods of actors/actress/artists of those times.Posted here are few of such images for example.
Annual issues add to the charm of publication provided if they include something different and special than normal issues,and considering this fact Stardust annuals were quite special if magnitude of pictures in color and in various moods are to be considered.
Annual issues were introduced by 'Star & Style' magazine right in late 60's after which the trend was followed up by Stardust and thereafter by Filmfare.
Much more including nostalgic and vintage articles from vintage old magazines and evergreen images of actors/actress will be coming here on this space only so pl be in touch.
AKF: आनंद भाई स्वागत है आपका और आपके सुझावों का,यही सब वो बातें हैं जो मुझे निरंतर चलते रहने को प्रेरित करती हैं.अब बात आपके सवालों की,यह रिसाले(पत्रिकाएँ) मैंने अभी हाल में ही पुरानी किताबों का व्यवसाय करने वाले एक बन्दे से खरीदी हैं.दरअसल मुझे बीते ज़माने की फ़िल्मी पत्रिकाओं और कॉमिक्स सहेजने का शौक है इसलिए जब भी मौका मिलता है तब-तब इन्हें खरीद लेता हूँ वरना बचपन के ज़माने में तो इतने पैसे ही नहीं होते थे की कॉमिक्स/पत्रिका खरीद कर पढ़ सकूँ इसलिए किराये पर लाकर ही काम चलाना पड़ता था.
आपके सुझाव का शुक्रिया जो आपने 'मूवी वर्ल्ड' के मुताल्लिक पेश किया दरअसल मैं भी यही चाहता था की फिल्मों पर आधारित पोस्ट्स के लिए अलहैदा ब्लॉग ही इस्तेमाल में लाऊं पर अपने तजुर्बे से मैंने यह जाना की समान्तर रूप से दो-दो ब्लॉग की ज़िम्मेदारी शौकिया तौर पर संभालना आसान काम नहीं है,मेरे कई ब्लॉगर दोस्तों ने जोश में आकर एक से ज्यादा ब्लॉग शुरू किये पर जल्द ही उन्हें कम से कम एक ब्लॉग को ताला लगाना पड़ा.उसके बाद आप ही की तरह कुछ शुभचिंतक दोस्तों ने मशवरा दिया की मैं सिर्फ एक ही ब्लॉग पर अपनी समस्त उर्जा और समय लगकर उसे बहुआयामी प्रारूप देने की चेष्टा करूं जिसे खाकसार तस्लीम कर मुसल्सल लगा हुआ है.
आनंद भाई यह स्टारडस्ट के वार्षिक अंक 200 से ज़्यादा सफहों(पन्नों) के हैं जिन्हें एकमुश्त स्कैन करना तो काफी दुरूह काम होगा हां लेकिन मैं मौका दर मौका उनमे से चुनिन्दा लेख/तसवीरें आप सब की नज़र गाहे-बगाहे करता ही रहूँगा...और हाँ जल्द ही आप सब को 50's-60's के दशक के मशहूर फ़िल्मी रिसालों से लिए गए चुनिन्दा लेख और अनदेखी तसवीरें देखने को मिलेंगी बस आते रहिएगा कॉमिक वर्ल्ड की जानिब.
would u like to sell star&style pl let me knowthe price
and i am intersted in star dust annaulpl letme know the price for each magazine
Anon: Though i don't sell magazines but i am having double issues of a few which can be disposed off,for which kindly contact
Great post! Gem of a collection!Thanks for sharing!
Maverick: Welcome and thanks.
Thanks for sharing these lovely covers!
Can I ask a favor? Would it be possible for you to post the articles related to Rekha inside these someday?
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