The First FLASH Gordon Comic is here on CW....I have got a suggestion that how about posting only cover page of the comic and providing zip download link alonwith instead of posting each page..!!This will certainly eleminate the painful time consuming job of uploading each page seperately......let me know what you think about it...would it be ok for all visitors!!!!
Anjane Nakshhatro Per
1.Download link of Anjane Nakshhatro Per
2.Download link of The Hulking Horror
C.I.D Review
Its always fascinating to go through the reviews of the hit/classic movies
of yesteryears published in reputed film magazines of those time.'Filmfare'
11 years ago
@cw:hooray! after a long time...I CLAIM THE1ST POSITION & that's 4 sure ....YES!!!!!.....& by reading the hindi version , i'll read all 3 versions of this THRILLER("BIDYUT DANAV" -that's the name of it's in bengali!)...let's read it...bye
#cw: hey dost, i just check ur email......thanks 4 such effort, but sorry 2 tell u,i've all INDRAJAL COMICS u mentioned!!(a real un4tunate thing)......anyway,as 4 me result doesn't matter as long as cent % efforts r there(i'm actualy very happy 2 see ur organised representation 4 such small thing..specially compare 2 me- a very unorgnised one in personal life...only do some better work when a FASHION SHOW is on!!....i've 2 or there'll b no place in such competitive field!! )...let's back 2 the main point: if u still want that 2 spare comics of PHANTOM ,i'll happily give as a frnd...let's me know what u think!
great comic thankyou ...
This is a good one.
Thanks for posting this. I like the idea of the zip file. Hopefully we will have the links to download soon.
Dear CW! Good One!!
Also I am good with the idea of posting 1 or 2 pages and then posting downloading link. Only thing which I have to say in this matter, rapidshare website is not good for downloading. It is a pay service, and if you try to do free, it creates issues even if you take time to download. Is there something one can do about it?
#Dara:buddy you are 1st again...congrats.
#indianmalang:i've tried mediafire to upload files this time..lets see if the visitors find it comfortable!
#cw: hey dude, u doing a great job....just keep going,we r all with u.. the way i'm 6th..nxt time, may b claim 1st position!!...let's see....
Mediafire is nice! Thank you CW!
@cw: frnd, i've a reqst, if u post only the cover ,then there r lot of visitors like me who'll ended up just look at the cover, bcos we 've not eiher much idea nor that time 2 download the comics...we r here only 2 read these timeless, plse plse dont just post cover & keep the way u doing right now...thanx the way, this flash gordon's u've more flash? then plse post more of it besides others as well.
Thank you very much for the MediaFire Link. I really appreciate that.
I like the idea about only posting zip files. It is always comfortable to open a zip/rar comic archive in ComicViewer and read the comic with ease, than to open each page and read it. Infact zip is less time consuming than reading directly from page.
I again thank for MediaFire Link. It has two advantages.
1. User Dont have to wait for downloads (not like rapidshare where you have to wait and spare your precious time)
2. Files never expire (Or atleast they claim so) So even after a year if someone tries to download this comic, he won't have any problems.
I also have some old indrajal comics in Gujarati (1964 to 1967), if anybody is interested, i will post them or give to comic world.
Due to unavoidable circumstances, I couldn't visit yours and TCP's blog since long. I guess, I haven't missed the development meanwhile...
Regarding scanning all pages v/s providing downloading link, initially, I was strongly in favour of all pages scanning as being a free user I've been one of the great sufferer of Rapid share. Rapid share is simply a Hell for the free users like me. But now, when I tried MediaFire for downloading 'The Hulking Horror', I've changed my opinion and strongly urge you and TCP to divert completely & immediately from Rapid Share to MediaFire for providing download links. In this way both of you could save your precious time also to avoid cumbersome scanning work of all the pages.
However, at the same time, to maintain the classic look of comics blogs (of CW & TCP), I still love to see all the scanned pages at a glance instead of single cover page.
Finally, before taking any decision, the delight of the common readers should be taken in to account.
@cw- where r u frnd? i regularly check ur site frm begining (though 1st t6ime i post a comment!)....but last few, as i thought there'll b some new one asa last comic published on 18th.....plse popst anew one :)
@cw:frnd,i've a quary, do u have phantom/mandrake comics after the indrajal stop publication??......i say it bcos , kingfeatures still publish phantom/mandrake comics.
Hey CW,
It is a long wait.
When is next comics comming up.
Be it in any format but keep it coming.................
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