"My Name Is Khan & I Am Not A Terrorist"
"There Are Only Two Types Of Peoples In The World-Bad Peoples & Good Peoples"
"मेरा नाम खान है और मैं दहशतगर्द नहीं हूँ"
These two lines are the body and soul of the latest hot cake movie 'My Name Is Khan'.
This is among one of the fewest movie of these times which i happened to watch in cinema hall or cinema talkies,which i rather prefer to say.
After a long long time watched a movie in which there is something serious to watch,
something thinkable to think and something sensible to follow.
Karan Johar was never expected to make such kind of movie as his way of entertainment is something like telling a fairy tale or unfolding a high voltage family drama with great star cast along with dream sets,funky songs and situations but this time he proves to be an exception by giving such a think about story.
Rizwan Khan(Shahrukh Khan) is a patient of Asperger's syndrome(a disorder which makes it difficult for peoples to interact socially),living with his mother(Zarina Wahab) and younger but jealous brother(Jimmi Shergil).After mother's death Rizwan goes to USA to live with his brother,who was already there.
There he meets a divorcee and a mother of 6 years old kid,Mandira(Kajol) with whom he falls in love and somehow manage to convince her to marry him.They live happily until 9/11 happens,after which his step son got killed in a school racial abuse.Mandira blames Rizwan for it and hold responsible the name "Khan" behind her son death.Rizwan tries to pacify her that it was not because his name but Mandira yells that his name will remain Khan and people will hate this name even if he could tell US president that this name is not a name of terrorist.
Rizwan Khan is now on the mission to meet US president so that he can tell him him that his name is Khan and he is not a terrorist.
During his spectacular journey he sets new standards of humanity and finally succeeds in meeting and conveying his message to US prez and gets back his lady love.

This is among one of the fewest movie of these times which i happened to watch in cinema hall or cinema talkies,which i rather prefer to say.
After a long long time watched a movie in which there is something serious to watch,
something thinkable to think and something sensible to follow.
Karan Johar was never expected to make such kind of movie as his way of entertainment is something like telling a fairy tale or unfolding a high voltage family drama with great star cast along with dream sets,funky songs and situations but this time he proves to be an exception by giving such a think about story.
Rizwan Khan(Shahrukh Khan) is a patient of Asperger's syndrome(a disorder which makes it difficult for peoples to interact socially),living with his mother(Zarina Wahab) and younger but jealous brother(Jimmi Shergil).After mother's death Rizwan goes to USA to live with his brother,who was already there.
There he meets a divorcee and a mother of 6 years old kid,Mandira(Kajol) with whom he falls in love and somehow manage to convince her to marry him.They live happily until 9/11 happens,after which his step son got killed in a school racial abuse.Mandira blames Rizwan for it and hold responsible the name "Khan" behind her son death.Rizwan tries to pacify her that it was not because his name but Mandira yells that his name will remain Khan and people will hate this name even if he could tell US president that this name is not a name of terrorist.
Rizwan Khan is now on the mission to meet US president so that he can tell him him that his name is Khan and he is not a terrorist.
During his spectacular journey he sets new standards of humanity and finally succeeds in meeting and conveying his message to US prez and gets back his lady love.

Due to asperger's syndrome Rizwan Khan is not a normal person and this abnormality quite justifies his mission,perhaps a normal person wouldn't be able to think and to do which Rizwan does.
Shahrukh character's thinking and exemplary dare is quite justified because of this abnormality and Shahrukh plays this character with a exceptional fineness.
Rizwan Khan represent that section of society,for whom family is of utmost importance,for whom there is no difference between Khan and Khanna,for whom humanity comes first before anything,for whom there are only two types of person in world-good and bad.
Sadly,we all know this differentiation of persons but we only need to refresh and revise it and MNIK exactly prepare us to give a thought to believe it.
What that is said in movie is not new and has been told for umpteen times but the way in which its told again is no doubt new and innovative for which script writers should be appreciated.
Kajol,Zarina Wahab,Jimmi Shergil,Soniya Jehan,Christopher B.Duncan(As 'Barack Obama'),Arif Zakaria etc played their part quite well but the limelight is no doubt Shahrukh Khan who delivers a another razor sharp performance.He completely adopt a changed acting,walking and speaking style to justify the character of a person suffering from AS.Here we don't find any of his famous mannerisms or his fast paced dialogue delivery.
Karan Johar direction is like a ice box,coolness of which is felt while going through the movie.
In other words the message conveyed by the movie is the need of the time and its the high time that we all should understand that "My name may be Khan,Ahmad or Hassan but I am not a terrorist"

Shahrukh character's thinking and exemplary dare is quite justified because of this abnormality and Shahrukh plays this character with a exceptional fineness.
Rizwan Khan represent that section of society,for whom family is of utmost importance,for whom there is no difference between Khan and Khanna,for whom humanity comes first before anything,for whom there are only two types of person in world-good and bad.
Sadly,we all know this differentiation of persons but we only need to refresh and revise it and MNIK exactly prepare us to give a thought to believe it.
What that is said in movie is not new and has been told for umpteen times but the way in which its told again is no doubt new and innovative for which script writers should be appreciated.
Kajol,Zarina Wahab,Jimmi Shergil,Soniya Jehan,Christopher B.Duncan(As 'Barack Obama'),Arif Zakaria etc played their part quite well but the limelight is no doubt Shahrukh Khan who delivers a another razor sharp performance.He completely adopt a changed acting,walking and speaking style to justify the character of a person suffering from AS.Here we don't find any of his famous mannerisms or his fast paced dialogue delivery.
Karan Johar direction is like a ice box,coolness of which is felt while going through the movie.
In other words the message conveyed by the movie is the need of the time and its the high time that we all should understand that "My name may be Khan,Ahmad or Hassan but I am not a terrorist"

Hey Jaheer bhai..
yar .. i will suggest that instead of MNIK watch rajpal yadav acted " hum lallan bol rahe hai" ..
a far better movie then any hyped one..
your this post is a big surprise for me.. i could have expected a post on Rishikesh mukherjee, Rajesh khanna, old bollywood comedy actors .. but a post on a new movie and that too sharukh khan, and karan johar movie..
not digestible..not expected..
(it is like you are putting sholay 'ye dosti' with david dhawan 'sarkaye lo khatiya')
reason.. i am too pessimistic about the quality of new bollywood movies..EXCEPT few, most of the movies are hyped, media promoted and lifted from hollywood ..
this new movie may be good but i have my own hesitations to watch it as of now.
earlier i was very much tempted ( when i was in India) by watching the promos on TV but later on I realized that promos can not be relied for a good movie.
let me name few movies which was so hyped but when I watched them i was exasperated ...( here in Australia)
1. Humko deewana kar gaye.
2. wanted.
3. billu barber
4.love 2050
5.all the best
6. Gajni
7. Kameeney
8.kal ho na hon
i watched all the above movies (most of them) on DVD and the only grace was that i didnot wasted my money on theater..otherwise movies were un-bearable..
usually i go to 'mouthshut.com' to get an idea about people opinion about the movie as i realized that in the news papers , media reviews are manipulated.
i am still not able to figure out that why karan took this movie theme base to usa 9/11 ?
this morning i heard in radio that Hilary clinton is stating USA action against Iran for developing nuclear weapons..
now just think.. USA has the largest pile of nuclear weapons.. they destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan because they faced few terrorist attacks and our country which has seen so many attacks is told by USA that 'keep calm', make table talk, war is not solution, make peace with neighbors etc etc..
and in this movie our hyped hero is going to meet USA president to tell him 'change your opinion ' ..
a untestable story for me.. why didnot he made a movie based on 26/11 or akshardham or kargil..
but again it is a matter of opinion.. 'free hai.. lena hai to lo nahi to jane do'
aur sir jee.. comics kaha hai ?no upload this time..
SRK , karan ki aisee taisee.. where is the comics ?
hi it is a very good movie
Shaharukh kajol oooooooooo
my name is Mohd. Kasim and i also not a terrorist.
Kuldeep: Kuldeep Bhai,i can understand your grunt against the movie as it boasts of USA being the supreme approval authority of any sort of reaction/revolution raised in any part of world.We have faced many such attacks much before than USA but never-ever our plea,our anger,our thinking were lend a sympathetic and sincere ear by so called 'Chaudhry' of world.We were always advised to remain calm and composed whereas when it faced 9/11 it was very prompt to attack afganistan/Iraq in the name of being self proclaimed messiah of humanity!What a double standard!
US is the largest supplier of weapons,don't hesitate to adopt any kind of inhuman strategy to flourish its business.
I remember a story which i read in childhood that two cats were fighting over a 'roti',a monkey came and pretended to resolve the conflict between two and in this procedure ate the roti itself leaving the cats stranded.
US is acting like the monkey and all other nations as cats.
Its well known fact that US adopts different-different policies for itself and for others hence none of its act remains justified enough to be supported by any sensible nation.
Coming to the point that why i wrote about this movie is normally i watch new movies very very rare,you may be surprised that in last 5-7 years i have watched only countable movies including Om Shanti Om,Gajani,3 Idiots and MNIK.
There was a time when i use to watch around 35 movies in a month and all in theaters,but now limited to 1 movie/year as an average,only because of poor quality of script,meaningless theme and direction in movies of present era.
I am very much disappointed by quality of current music and movies hence avoid to watch and write on them but how come i wrote something on this movie!
It was solely because of the message portrayed by the movie,that message is the need of the hour and should be endorsed fully by all of us and for it agar gadhe ko bhi baap banana padhe to chalega
We,the Indians,always look towards US for approval of anything follows their path blindly.In every way of life we are following western culture blindly forgetting our own roots.If our artist is approved by Oscar award then only our artist is talented otherwise we never bother to recognize and appreciate his talent.How quick we are adopting live in relationships,sending parents to old home,single mom culture,vulgar dressing and greeting manners,forgetting humanity and adopting shrewd materialistic life.
So,to make understand and support the message of the movie by such type of our countrymen,quantity of whom is increasing day by day,i support the theme of the movie solely because of this reason.
Also,since i don't find any of our other sensible Indian movie which support same idea without any approval stamp of US hence i have left with no choice except to vote for least worst available candidate.
Hope that i am understood fully.
Enough of heavy talks,lets come back to comics,yes,got few more rare comics such as Manoj Chitra Katha,Madhumuskans and Dharamyugs very recently.Next post will feature on them.
Mohd.Qasim: Yes,we all know.
Oh! Such heavy discussion. I endorse both of you. By the way you are not replying to my E-mails. If possible send the scancs of AFI Corrigon comics & Phantom Chartlon comics.
SB: Arun,sometimes heavy discussions brings in a change and variety.Well,your mails are to be replied,will be mailing you the scans of said comics.
Good review Zaheerbhai. Issse yaad aaya, there was a program showing how girl children were being schooled by infosys. Reporter asked girl what she wanted to do when she grew up. Girl replied she wanted to change her country. Both reporter and I thought she was thinking of leaving country but she was actually talking of making country better. :)
Khair, aap ke liye
KK: Thanks for the link of the article,its sad to know about falling sales of comics,this is why the publication housed closed and are closing.
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