Friends and comic lovers from all over the world,it gives me immense pleasure to welcome all of you at this memorable day which is the 3rd birthday/anniversary of this blog.
First of all let me thank my dear friend Comic Crazee for designing this fabulous header specially for Comic World's 3rd Anniversary post.Many-many thanks to him for this magnificent gift.
To start the celebrations,let me present another one of my dear and close friend Kuldeep Bhai who is eager to welcome all of you.Here are his words right away.
"Hello every one..My welcome greeting to you all and thanks everyone for joining us to celebrate another wonderful anniversary of this blog.This blog is not a website like millions others available on internet but it is a place where we see a pristine pond filled with warm memories of our childhood and we all want to jump to feel the old days when we were care free, pure hearted and dreamed to do something big.. Welcome all.. jump and feel the joy, happiness and lets promise ourselves that we will keep on filling this pond with our thoughts, appreciation,knowledge sharing,old memories so that more and more will be joining us in coming days to make this place the only 'mecca'/'Kumbh' of Comics world .. On this blog we have seen so many wonder ful post(Sholay,Hindi novels,satyakatha,bal pocket books,comics artist, writers....).. so many old thoughts ('par-tilli' , comics reading in Lantern light, efforts took to get comics...) we met so many wonder ful people who have such vast knowledge on comics,collection and we learned a lot about comics,comic culture ,reading habits in India and around the world. So much have been shared,posted so far and amazing part is that ' we want more' what best could happen to this blog other than this that instead of quenching the fire it is making it more and more big like adding more fuel (with every new post.) we have shown our appreciation to 'Zaheer bhai' so many time and on this occasion I salute his great work again on behalf of all of us and congratulate him again on 3rd anniversary of 'Comic world'.
Lage raho Zaheer bhai ... and Yes.. ALL IZZZ WELL.. keep it rolling.. Have a wonder ful time friends.. Kuldeep
As you all know about Kuldeep Bhai that he is living encyclopedia of comics,he has vast-vast treasure of knowledge and nostalgic moments attached with comics which he regularly keeps on sharing with all of us in his unique and unmatched style of words of which we all are fond of.If topic comes about Ved Prakash Sharma then he is simply unmatched and a living data base of his novels...simply mind blowing...i have never seen a passionate comic reader and lover as he is....and talking about his human side,he is a good human and friends of friend.How many of us can send quite a costly comics to a person with whom we don't have that much of 'terms' and acquaintance and that also without expecting any thing in return!!!Truly,a most humble attitude which is highly appreciated.
Kuldeep Bhai,many thanks for your kind and warm feeling toward this blog,i hope to see you all along with this blog like you are.As a small token of gift here is that ad page of unpublished novel of Ved Prakash Sharma which you were looking for.Hope you will like it.

Friends,three years is quite a considerable time considering a comic blog to survive which was solely started with a passion behind for sharing Indrajal Comics on net,though all IJCs(English) has been posted at net and now only regional languages IJCs are remaining for which several blogs have also come up to post them.
Mere comic posting was never been a sole motive of this blog,rather this blog was looking for meaningful,healthy and in depth discussions over nostalgia associated with comics,about person associated with these fine comics and over the reviews of these timeless comics.This was the factor which kept this blog alive as a particular brand of comics can deplete but thoughts,nostalgia and discussion over the comics can never deplete.
Throughout the journey of blog we came to know about finest comic collectors of India and abroad,got information about many lost comic publications of India and made many friends,the journey is still through and will continue.
First of all let me thank my dear friend Comic Crazee for designing this fabulous header specially for Comic World's 3rd Anniversary post.Many-many thanks to him for this magnificent gift.
To start the celebrations,let me present another one of my dear and close friend Kuldeep Bhai who is eager to welcome all of you.Here are his words right away.
"Hello every one..My welcome greeting to you all and thanks everyone for joining us to celebrate another wonderful anniversary of this blog.This blog is not a website like millions others available on internet but it is a place where we see a pristine pond filled with warm memories of our childhood and we all want to jump to feel the old days when we were care free, pure hearted and dreamed to do something big.. Welcome all.. jump and feel the joy, happiness and lets promise ourselves that we will keep on filling this pond with our thoughts, appreciation,knowledge sharing,old memories so that more and more will be joining us in coming days to make this place the only 'mecca'/'Kumbh' of Comics world .. On this blog we have seen so many wonder ful post(Sholay,Hindi novels,satyakatha,bal pocket books,comics artist, writers....).. so many old thoughts ('par-tilli' , comics reading in Lantern light, efforts took to get comics...) we met so many wonder ful people who have such vast knowledge on comics,collection and we learned a lot about comics,comic culture ,reading habits in India and around the world. So much have been shared,posted so far and amazing part is that ' we want more' what best could happen to this blog other than this that instead of quenching the fire it is making it more and more big like adding more fuel (with every new post.) we have shown our appreciation to 'Zaheer bhai' so many time and on this occasion I salute his great work again on behalf of all of us and congratulate him again on 3rd anniversary of 'Comic world'.
Lage raho Zaheer bhai ... and Yes.. ALL IZZZ WELL.. keep it rolling.. Have a wonder ful time friends.. Kuldeep
As you all know about Kuldeep Bhai that he is living encyclopedia of comics,he has vast-vast treasure of knowledge and nostalgic moments attached with comics which he regularly keeps on sharing with all of us in his unique and unmatched style of words of which we all are fond of.If topic comes about Ved Prakash Sharma then he is simply unmatched and a living data base of his novels...simply mind blowing...i have never seen a passionate comic reader and lover as he is....and talking about his human side,he is a good human and friends of friend.How many of us can send quite a costly comics to a person with whom we don't have that much of 'terms' and acquaintance and that also without expecting any thing in return!!!Truly,a most humble attitude which is highly appreciated.
Kuldeep Bhai,many thanks for your kind and warm feeling toward this blog,i hope to see you all along with this blog like you are.As a small token of gift here is that ad page of unpublished novel of Ved Prakash Sharma which you were looking for.Hope you will like it.

Friends,three years is quite a considerable time considering a comic blog to survive which was solely started with a passion behind for sharing Indrajal Comics on net,though all IJCs(English) has been posted at net and now only regional languages IJCs are remaining for which several blogs have also come up to post them.
Mere comic posting was never been a sole motive of this blog,rather this blog was looking for meaningful,healthy and in depth discussions over nostalgia associated with comics,about person associated with these fine comics and over the reviews of these timeless comics.This was the factor which kept this blog alive as a particular brand of comics can deplete but thoughts,nostalgia and discussion over the comics can never deplete.
Throughout the journey of blog we came to know about finest comic collectors of India and abroad,got information about many lost comic publications of India and made many friends,the journey is still through and will continue.
Its very easy to initiate a thought but quite difficult to maintain it with same enthusiasm and vigor,we have witnessed in past that quite a few blogs surfaced the net world but very few sustained their place till now.Comic World is fortunate enough to keep its pace get going and the reason behind is to shift its attention towards a wide variety of comics rather than sticking to a particular brand.
The story behind creation of Comic World is known to all of you as it has been repeated a couple of times,new readers and visitors of Comic World can read it by clicking this link.
If i look three years back from now and compare my position from it,i find many things to be proud of such as friends which i made during this journey,information and knowledge about comics and their publications,my comic collection has grown up a lot and most remarkable of these all the name and fame which was bestowed via this blog as this blog has been visited by visitors from around 150 countries with around 2 lakhs page visits in a short span of 3 years. It was also recognized by print media when a article about this blog was written in Hindi Edition of 'The Hindustan Times'.
Well,enough of my gloating,here is the 1st comic of this special anniversary post for all of you.Its a Indrajal comic,yes a Indrajal which was the main driving force behind this blog. This comic is contributed by Mr.Abhishek of Delhi through a another dear friend and our well known 'master scanner' Mr.Ajay Misra who scanned it after being lend by Abhishek,there is no need for introduction of Ajay Misra as he is a well known and respected name in the world of comics,having a unmatched attitude towards sharing comics.
The story behind creation of Comic World is known to all of you as it has been repeated a couple of times,new readers and visitors of Comic World can read it by clicking this link.
If i look three years back from now and compare my position from it,i find many things to be proud of such as friends which i made during this journey,information and knowledge about comics and their publications,my comic collection has grown up a lot and most remarkable of these all the name and fame which was bestowed via this blog as this blog has been visited by visitors from around 150 countries with around 2 lakhs page visits in a short span of 3 years. It was also recognized by print media when a article about this blog was written in Hindi Edition of 'The Hindustan Times'.
Well,enough of my gloating,here is the 1st comic of this special anniversary post for all of you.Its a Indrajal comic,yes a Indrajal which was the main driving force behind this blog. This comic is contributed by Mr.Abhishek of Delhi through a another dear friend and our well known 'master scanner' Mr.Ajay Misra who scanned it after being lend by Abhishek,there is no need for introduction of Ajay Misra as he is a well known and respected name in the world of comics,having a unmatched attitude towards sharing comics.
I have never been came across with somebody who has such passionate attitude when it comes to sharing of comics.Many-many thanks to Abhishek and Ajay for this contribution,we hope so see many more from you in future.

Its unfortunate to see that in Indian comic industry persons behind the creation of these timeless comics were/are not given their due credit and appreciation,and many of them died or still living unrecognized and/or in poor condition.The reason behind is that in India comic reading is considered for kids only without giving any serious thoughts and attention for the art involved behind in creation of comics.After the advent of TV,video,mobile and now internet boom the reading culture and popularity of comics suffered a huge setback thus degrading the already degraded market value of comic culture leaving the persons associated with comics as no exception.
A person among us has decided to put up his hard efforts in order to bring out the contribution of the persons behind the golden era of Indian comics in front of all of us so that it can be appreciated and could be given its due credit which was being lost behind the fog of time till now.
And that person is a another dear friend Alok who is keeping no stone unturned policy in order to complete his homage(documentary) to stalwarts of Indian comic industry.We all have many hopes on this documentary project and are eagerly waiting for its release.
Alok is also a dear friend,a avid supporter and fan of Comic World and for this 3rd anniversary post he has prepared a special article on one of the famous and mysterious cartoonist "Shehab". Shehab is well known for its cartooning ability and typical middle class Indian characters such as Chotu-Lambu,Manglu Madari-Bandar Bihari,Chaman Charlie etc.

Its unfortunate to see that in Indian comic industry persons behind the creation of these timeless comics were/are not given their due credit and appreciation,and many of them died or still living unrecognized and/or in poor condition.The reason behind is that in India comic reading is considered for kids only without giving any serious thoughts and attention for the art involved behind in creation of comics.After the advent of TV,video,mobile and now internet boom the reading culture and popularity of comics suffered a huge setback thus degrading the already degraded market value of comic culture leaving the persons associated with comics as no exception.
A person among us has decided to put up his hard efforts in order to bring out the contribution of the persons behind the golden era of Indian comics in front of all of us so that it can be appreciated and could be given its due credit which was being lost behind the fog of time till now.
And that person is a another dear friend Alok who is keeping no stone unturned policy in order to complete his homage(documentary) to stalwarts of Indian comic industry.We all have many hopes on this documentary project and are eagerly waiting for its release.
Alok is also a dear friend,a avid supporter and fan of Comic World and for this 3rd anniversary post he has prepared a special article on one of the famous and mysterious cartoonist "Shehab". Shehab is well known for its cartooning ability and typical middle class Indian characters such as Chotu-Lambu,Manglu Madari-Bandar Bihari,Chaman Charlie etc.
Not much is known about Shehab,but whatever Alok could found in his research is presented here in this article.
"मैं शेहाब जी से कभी नहीं मिला पर उनसे एक दो बार पत्रव्यवहार हुआ है", कार्टूनिस्ट प्राण साहब ने याद करते हुए कहा और मुझे शेहाब जी का हस्तलिखित पत्र दिखाया, एक अंतर्देशीय पर खूबसूरत लिखाई में लिखे उस पत्र में शेहाब जी ने लिखा था उन्हें उर्दू-अरबी की कैलीग्राफी करने में बड़ा आनंद आता है और समय मिलने पर वो कार्टून बना लिया करते हैं. "मुझे पता नहीं वो इन दिनों कहाँ है पर आपकी उनसे मुलाक़ात हो तो कहियेगा उनका दोस्त प्राण उन्हें याद करता है." प्राण साहब ने पत्र सहेज कर रखते हुए कहा. अगले ही दिन हमें एक प्रकाशक से पता चला शेहाब जी का देहांत कुछ बरस पहले ही मुंबई में हो चुका था.और रिसर्च करने पर पता चला शेहाब जी का पूरा नाम शेख शहबुद्दीन था, और गरीबी की वजह से वे कभी स्कूल न जा पाए पर मेट्रिक की परीक्षा उन्होंने प्राइवेट में पास की, अब सोच कर मज़ा आता है कि जिस बरस उन्होंने ये किया होगा शायद छोटू-लम्बू पराग में छप रहे होंगे और उनके साथ ये परीक्षा देनेवाले लाखों बच्चों में न जाने कितने लोकप्रिय भी रहे होंगे.
Alike Shehab there was another fine cartoonist with very famous characters,Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj,and his immortal characters were Motu-Patlu which started publishing in Lotpot and Deewana for the very first time.Later on Diamond comics published many full fledged comics on Motu-Patlu.For more information about Motu-Patlu please click this link.
जीवन की कडवी दवा में चटपटा हास्य मिलानेवाले कलाकार : शेहाब जी
कॉमिक वर्ल्ड की तीसरी वर्षगाँठ पर जब ज़हीर भाई ने मुझसे पूछा कि मैं किस विषय पर एक गेस्ट पोस्ट लिखना चाहूँगा तो सबसे पहले जो नाम मेरे ज़हन में उभरे वह थे स्वर्गीय शेहाब साहब और उनके अमर चरित्र छोटू-लम्बू.बाकी महान कलाकारों और लोकप्रिय चरित्रों के बीच मैंने कॉमिक blogs में शेहाब जी का ज़िक्र होते ज़रा कम ही देखा है. शेहाब जी का चरित्र ऐसे रहस्यों के कुहासे में घिरा हुआ है कि उनके बारे में जानने की मेरी इच्छा समय के साथ लगातार बढती गयी, न कहीं उनकी फोटो देखने को मिली न कहीं उनका कोई साक्षात्कार. ऐसे में कुछ साल पहले जब मैंने चित्रकथा documentary प्लान की तो दिल में बड़ी हसरतों के साथ मैंने शेहाब जी की तलाश शुरू की और काफी बाद में पता चला कि वे कुछ बरस पहले ही गुमनामी कि ज़िन्दगी जीते हुए अल्लाह को प्यारे हो गए. अपनी ज़िन्दगी के अंतिम दिन उन्होंने इस क़दर गुमनामी में गुज़ारे कि उनको जाननेवाले कई चित्रकथाकारों को ये तक पता नहीं था शेहाब जी जीवित भी हैं या नहीं, हाँ अलबत्ता हर किसी को उनकी मुफलिसी और एक एक्सीडेंट में उनके पैरों के कट जाने की कहानियाँ ज़रूर याद थी. बहरहाल बरसों पहले धर्मयुग में उनका एक छोटा सा साक्षात्कार देखा था जिसमें उन्होंने बड़े मजाकिया ढंग से बताया था कि किस तरह उन्होंने अपने कार्टूनिंग जीवन की शुरुआत की थी एक जोनी वाकर के एक कार्टून के साथ जो छपा था उर्दू पत्रिका फनकार वीकली में.
उसके बाद उन्होंने धर्मयुग, पराग और बाद में इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स के लिए काफी काम किया और साथ ही अनेक और किरदार रचे जो समय समय पर यहाँ वहाँ प्रकाशित होते रहे. यदि उनके किरदारों की ज़िन्दगी में झांकें तो उनके अपने जीवन का अभाव और अभाव में भी सेन्स ऑफ़ ह्यूमर साफ़ नज़र आता है
जगदीश भारती जी(मधु-मुस्कान)शेहाब जी को याद करते हुए बोल पड़े, "शेहाब ने अपने जीवन का दर्द अपने किरदारों में छिपा दिया पर यदा कदा वह दर्द उनके किरदारों में नज़र आ ही जाता है, उनके ह्यूमर में एक Pathos की भावना छिपी हुई सी है."जगदीश जी का कहना गलत भी नहीं हम सभी को याद है छोटू लम्बू की अनगिनत कहानियाँ जिनमें कभी कोई उन्हें अपने यहाँ टीवी पर आ रही गणतंत्र दिवस की परेड नहीं देखने देता, कभी उनके घर का आटा ख़त्म हो जाता है तो कभी कोई सड़कछाप गुंडा या छुटभैय्या नेता उनसे आ भिड़ता है और मकानमालिक और भाड़े का ज़िक्र तो करीब हर दूसरी चित्रकथा में होता था. पर इन सारी बातों के बावजूद जो भावना सबसे प्रबल हो कर छोटू लम्बू में सामने आती वो थी उनकी देशभक्ति और अपनी कमियों पर हंसने की अद्भुत क्षमता, मुझे याद है छोटू लम्बू किस तरह ट्रांजिस्टरों पर क्रिकेट कमेंटरी सुनते घुमते-फिरते उन विदेशियों को सबक सिखाते थे जो देश के भूखे नंगे बच्चे खोज कर उनकी तसवीरें उतारते हैं, जीवन की इन काली सच्चाइयों में भी हास्य उकेरनेवाले कलाकार हमारे यहाँ कम ही हुए हैं और शेहाब जी की चित्रकथाओं में वह इस खूबी के साथ निकल कर आता है कि समझ में ही नहीं आता कि वो हकीक़त के मारे इंसान को गुदगुदाना चाह रहे हैं या बच्चों को आनेवाले जीवन की सच्चाइयों से रूबरू करा रहे हैं.
"मैं शेहाब जी से कभी नहीं मिला पर उनसे एक दो बार पत्रव्यवहार हुआ है", कार्टूनिस्ट प्राण साहब ने याद करते हुए कहा और मुझे शेहाब जी का हस्तलिखित पत्र दिखाया, एक अंतर्देशीय पर खूबसूरत लिखाई में लिखे उस पत्र में शेहाब जी ने लिखा था उन्हें उर्दू-अरबी की कैलीग्राफी करने में बड़ा आनंद आता है और समय मिलने पर वो कार्टून बना लिया करते हैं. "मुझे पता नहीं वो इन दिनों कहाँ है पर आपकी उनसे मुलाक़ात हो तो कहियेगा उनका दोस्त प्राण उन्हें याद करता है." प्राण साहब ने पत्र सहेज कर रखते हुए कहा. अगले ही दिन हमें एक प्रकाशक से पता चला शेहाब जी का देहांत कुछ बरस पहले ही मुंबई में हो चुका था.और रिसर्च करने पर पता चला शेहाब जी का पूरा नाम शेख शहबुद्दीन था, और गरीबी की वजह से वे कभी स्कूल न जा पाए पर मेट्रिक की परीक्षा उन्होंने प्राइवेट में पास की, अब सोच कर मज़ा आता है कि जिस बरस उन्होंने ये किया होगा शायद छोटू-लम्बू पराग में छप रहे होंगे और उनके साथ ये परीक्षा देनेवाले लाखों बच्चों में न जाने कितने लोकप्रिय भी रहे होंगे.
शेहाब जी के अन्य चरित्र जैसे तोताराम-चिड़ीमार, मंगलू मदारी- बन्दर बिहारी और चिम्पू (इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स) भी बड़े लोकप्रिय हुए, उन्होंने इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स के लिए कुछ अकबर-बीरबल की फिलर कहानियाँ भी बनायीं, ये कहानियाँ और इंद्रजाल के लिए बनाये उनके कवर्स देख कर पता चलता है उनकी पकड़ कार्टूनी और रियलिस्टिक दोनों तरह की कॉमिक्स में लाजवाब थी.
इसे भारतीय चित्रकथा जगत का दुर्भाग्य ही कहा जाएगा कि इस महान कलाकार को अपने अंतिम वर्ष गुमनामी की ज़िन्दगी में बिताने पड़े जबकि आज उनके कार्टून्स से सजी ये कॉमिक्स लोग सोने के दाम खरीदा करते हैं.
Thanks Alok for this fine article over Shehab Sb.For comic lovers here is presented the first ever Chotu-Lambu comic over net.It was published by Diamond comics,around 8-10 such Chotu-Lambu comics has been published by Diamond Comics.
Alike Shehab there was another fine cartoonist with very famous characters,Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj,and his immortal characters were Motu-Patlu which started publishing in Lotpot and Deewana for the very first time.Later on Diamond comics published many full fledged comics on Motu-Patlu.For more information about Motu-Patlu please click this link.
Lotpot was start publishing in 1969 and is still in publication along with Motu-Patlu but not by Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj. Presented here is one of the very early issue of Lotpot along with the original KSB Motu-Patlu,enjoy it and let me know how you found it so that more such can be posted after encouraging welcome.

Our another friend and comic collector Deep also decided to contribute something from his side and its none other than a vintage Fauladi Singh comic,for which all thanks and credit to him.Hope Kuldeep will like it.
9.Egmont Phantoms

Our another friend and comic collector Deep also decided to contribute something from his side and its none other than a vintage Fauladi Singh comic,for which all thanks and credit to him.Hope Kuldeep will like it.

Not many of us will be knowing that early issues of Manoj Chitra Katha were also used to be published in English,i don't know why the publication discontinued the English version at later stage.
Anyway it will be nice for English readers to have an opportunity to read these early MCK issues in English so that they themselves can judge the standard of these early MCKs.
Here are the English version of two very first issues of Ram-Rahim,enjoy and let me know did you liked them.

This seems shaping up to be a long post as still much is left to be posted out.For our visitors of the likes of Col.Worobu here presented are Tarzan,Superman and Charlton Phantom comics.
And finally,chalte-chalte,a Madhumuskan for MM lovers,hope all of you including Atul will like it.
Doston,three years back i was having a meager 50-75 odd Indrajal comics in my collection but as you all know that after discovery of TCP the hibernated comic lover in me woke furiously and i was able to maintain a sizable comic collection till now due to constant efforts.Initially i use to collect only Indrajal comics but later on i focused my objective toward old rare comics too so that they can be digitally preserved for all of you and for future comic lovers.In this process i was able to collect many well known vintage comics,snaps of a few of them are featured for all of you.
2.Madhumuskan and others
3.Big Size Manoj Chitra Katha
6.Gold Keys
7.Diamond Mandrake Digests
8.Phantom Diamond Digests
9.Egmont Phantoms
10.Few Phantom Frews
11. Miscellaneous
12.Can any one tell what is this!!
13.Few English Amar Chitra Katha
14.Hindi ACKs
15.Few Hindi VPS and other novels
17.Illustrated Weeklies
IW of 1940's
And finally our beloved Indrajal Comics....
jaheer bhai..
just saw the post..
i am the first..
let me enjoy the post fully then i will write on it..
Anniversary mubark ho..
Let me the first ...oops...the second to congratulate you on your 3rd anniversary! I already have all the Gold Key Tarzan's and all the Charlton Phantoms, but thank you for thinking of me and posting these. It is the thought that really counts. I don't have the Superman issue though and I will definitely enjoy reading it. Thank you and hope you will celebrate more anniversaries in the future!
Your comic collection is truly amazing. How do you open your fridge anyway :o) ?
All those Vidyarthi Mithram comics lying around just waiting to be scanned. I am drooling already ;o)
I would like to see one VM Tarzan if you have it. I don't know the title, but the story is about Tarzan in some east european country pursued by werewolf type of people controlled by a mad scientist with a whistle.
Many heartily congratulations!!!
Wish I could download the gems made available in recent times. Hope the links will remain working till I make a comeback. :-)
Congrats one more time.
zaheer bhai ,
pahle to badhayi kabool kare .. ab main sochta hoon ki , aapke ghar par dhaaka daal hi doon , aap dono , kab kahin ghoomne ja rahe hai , bata ka jayiye.. main aakar ghar saaaf kar doonga [ sirf aur sirf comics le jaaunga bhai ]
aap bahut accha kaam kar rahe hai .. badhayi sweekar kare..
Zaheer Bhai,
Congrats for the 3rd Anniversary of (y)our blog. What a monumental achievement to keep a blog alive, which was started for IJC digital collection, but now has morphed into one for all occassions.
I am sad I couldn't take part in this landmark post, due to my personal commitments. But, nevertheless going to enjoy the write'ups and the comics laced through the post.
What a marvelous collection, and a beauty to see them all stacked up and tempting you to lay your hand on them. I hope to take a similar scan once I have mine stacked up sometime soon.
Will come back to comment, once I read through it completely.
Wish you many more successful years like this for eons to come.
I Silly Boy, President of Comic Land on behalf of all the people of our Comic Land do codnfer on Mr. Comic World the highest civilian award of our Comic Land 'Shriman Comic Ratan' for his effots in preserving old haritage of comics and memories associated with it.
Zaheer Bhai: Congrats on the third anniversary, its a very good and informative post. I got one more Madhumuskan due to you. God bless you. Thanks for the information on Shehab. Thanks to all contributors. I hope your next post will also include Madhumuskan.
Congrats! And what a collection!
Hightlight for me is just to see your wonderful collection! Do Ankhen kaafin nahin hain! Alok wrote wonderfully and feelingly about Shababsaab. Jabtak unke aur aapke jaise mureed hain, tabtak hum in kalakaaron ko bhool nahin sakte.
Indrajal ke jikar se yaad aayan - has anyone compiled an index to all the comics upload? I wanted to reread the very first Bahadur I saw - where Bahadur takes on several duplicate Bahadurs. :)
great stuff..seeing alot of comics after a long time..thanks.. & congrats for your 3rd year..keep giving us treats..
u've got one of the greatest collection i've seen..thanks
Hello Zaheer ! Congrats on your
3rd Anniversary post . You have some very loyal visitors who visit & comment on your blog only .
Both MCK look vey nice , specially covers , had these when I was a kid , loved these .
Congratulation CW for 3rd Anniversary!
Very nice bucket of comics!
Thanks to all contributors and Alok for nice article!
Waiting your 4th Anniversary post.
Kuldeep : Yes Kuldeep Bhai you are indeed the first,congrats and thanks for the fine welcome note.
Col.Worobu: Thanks and welcome Col.,well,normally those comics are not stacked near fridge,rather they are kept into a book shelf.They were taken out for this special occasion.
I will be looking out for that particular tarzan story,if m having it then will be posting.
Ashish: Many thanks Ashish for your warm wishes.These link hopefully be available when u return,if you face any problem then let me know and i will be mailing you the links.
Vijay Sappatti: विजय भाई,बहुत शुक्रिया मुहब्बत से लबरेज़ अल्फाजों का.आप जैसे डाकू का हमेशा स्वागत है यहाँ,जल्दी आइये और हमें लुटने का मौका अता-फरमाइए.
Rafiq Raja: Thanks and same to you also.Well,i can understand but you along with your gifted writing skills were being missed here in the host gallery.Anyway,hope to find you here at any other occasion.
We are eagerly waiting for any such opportunity where we could peep up at your collection too,as being a collector myself i know very well that a 'split-wide open' view of comics always attracts a lot more than any other thing.
savdhan is khajane par dakuo ki nazar hai..
oye! mein to bhul hi gya tha, 'Janam din ki Hardik subhkamnaye' Mere matbal Blog ki.
Is that No. 12 picture of Box of Jigsaw puzzle?
Joking, just read on it. Hehe hehe !
SB: Thanks you President Sir for the prestigious award.:o)
Abdul Qureshi: Thanks and welcome Abdul Bhai,yes,indeed more MM are bound to follow.
Vinayak Razdan: Thanks pal.
KK: Kyu,sharminda kar rahein hai bhai.Yes,Alok sb. ne zabardast likha hai.Shehab Ji ka naam Indian comic history me Amar ho chuka hai.
Bahadur ki ye wali comic kafi pehle isi blog me post ho chuki hai,labels me Bahadur ki posts check kar lijiye.
Mr.Walker: Thanks buddy.You are most welcome.
Ajay: Thanks and same to you also as you are also a integral part of this blog.
PBC: Many thanks Prabhat.
Part 1 of 3
Hello CW and all ...
A good post on 3rd aniversary..
Alok article on 'Shri Shehab' and your ' neighbours envy owners pride' comic collection are catch of the show .
and what a co-incidence that when u asked me for any comic upload request i requested Sri Shehab chotu lambu and Alok thought to write about shri Shehab when u aksed for his input. ?
I would like to thank 'Alok' for providing us the details on Shri Shehab.. surely he was one of the artist unforgettable..
it is unfortunate that all good artist of our time didnot got the proper recognition what they deserved.
we all have seen the glorious days of comics and unfortunately saw the dying days of it as well..
recently in one ‘Times of India’ article it was discussed that why we donot have a comics kingdom like western countries ( Marvel comics, king
comics , Archie comics etc).. why our chacha choudhary cannot compete with Astrix and Tintin..
( Final conclusion was something that we donot have comic reading culture or comic loving culture)
I started giving a thought on this and wondered yes why our comics died down where as Spider man , super man , phantom are still getting published and even coming on big screen as well..
I asked my self do I have the same comic passion still in me what it used to be long time ago.. when I wanted to be the 'first' to read the new set
of comics whichever was coming in market. comics were number one priority over eating , sleeping ( studying) ..
the answer was a mixed yes and No..
I am not sure about others here but for me I always linked reading with 'good' reading only..
so for me good reading means good humour, good story line, good character , good picture, positive thoughts etc..
all our good comics stated with all this traits but slowly they started compromising..
so remember these (Old issues)....MadhuMuskan, Diamond, Manoj, Raj, Parag, Mela, Chita bharti, Nandan, Chandamama, Indrajal.. I still read
them with same old passion
there are so many things happened with every beloved comics of ours and we have gone through them in old posts but ' for me' thing which was
killing of my comic passion was introduction of character like Bhedia, yodha , anthony , shukral ( so many similar others), story line like 'thrill
horror suspense, which were lifted from Hollywood horror movies .. ( example Raj comic Freddie series)
once comics like this started flooding I started loosing interest. no offence to anyone interest but when I see the comics of 'vikral, shukral' ,
Anthony, Indra, Bhedia, vajra etc posted I simply feel the pain that this are main reason that we donot have old comics glory left ..
Part 2 of 3
(by the way does anyone remembers what happened to Parag, Nandan )
coming back to the question above.. why we donot have a comic series having a global appeal. in simple words we didnot tried for it ( more
discussion on this will lead to our system , politics, nation priorities etc etc)
Sri Pran created characters were simple to match the Indian gene.. chacha choudhary did have some appeal but it didnot hold that status globally..
Diamond.. for me Fauladi sing story line ( specially Bharat , antrikshak) series did have some class but later on loss of writers like Ashu Diamond lost the grip.
(Here i want to point out.. if I remember correctly 'Pagal Robot and its sequel Sitaro ka dusman were the last I read written by Ashu..)
( Alok .. were u able to trace shri Ashu as well ?)
later on character like Dynamite, Agni putra Abhay puts the last nail in the coffin of Diamond comics..
Raj : started well with Dhruva and Nagraj, bankelal.. but then Dhruva was called by devi devta to help them, introduction of Bhedia, Anthony made the charm fading..
( to my opinion the master piece from Raj will always be Dhruva -Grand Master Robo)
Manoj.. Biggest loss was Sri Vimal chaterjee..and rest is known to all.
there may be same or different type of reason with comic of India but as of now I donot see any comic of India is matching to cult status of Phantom, spidermen , tintin ,astrrix..
in some of the old post of CW the picture what we got that the Generation of 'harry potter' doesnot even know that Manglu Mandari or Daku pan singh were there in Indian comic world..
Sad but true..
Your thoughts friends ???
Part 3 of 3
here in Australia i read lots of english comics and they have their own class.. some really great comics/strip i read are 'hagar', Dunce, Little Lulu.
Little Lulu reminds 'chutki ' of nutan comics and this comic is really amazing. But catch of the eye is 'dunce'. if you get a chance you must read it.
story based on one Dull student life and it is absolutely hilarious..
Please do visit.. Chandamama.Com... visit the archive section.. see the old chandamama.. enjoy reading,.. but MUST SEE is the old advertisement of products on the pages of chandamama.... be it 'binaca, Dabur, Vix,lifebuy, old biscuit, old chocklate'.. see Wheeda Rehman in Lux ad .you will find your self in a very nostalgic world.. ( they have an ad archive section as well)
Visit and share your experience ......
I do have lots of Archie comics, whole Tintin, astrix downloaded from net long time back.. if any one wants them I will be happy to post them the
DVD... let me know if any one wants them.. that will save the downloading time .. and will also give them good reading as always.. my email is
Third ..
did u all see the 'new mile sur mera tumhara' .. watch it on you- tube .. just to feel that how soul of beautiful song which created the true feeling of national integrity , unity in diversity , was killed in this new bollywood remix version..
man ! why we Indian are loosing creativity.. copy paste bhi dhang se nahi kar pate..
can I request to post the following comics..
1. fauladi sing..
Dream land ka badsah, antriksh me sangram, dhue ki aurat, antriksh ka bhagwan, sitaro ka yudh, akhri sangram, antriksh ki pretatma, Darkland
ka shaitan
(Deep.. I am sure you have this jems in your treasure.. jahapanah tusi great ho.. kripya hum per kripa kare)
2. Chtou Lambu ( Shehab) series
( Except lakhna daquait , and this posted one.. ) All
3. Manoj Comics
Crook Bond..
Sabhi deewane juto ke, Brus-li story 3 parts
Vimal chaterjee un- posted ones..
Uncle charlie ( which are not posted yet)
4. Dimond Lambu Mottoo..
( next comment will be on Jaheer collection)
Hey Jaheer..
it takes lots of effort , perseverance to make a collection like this and surely it gives immense 'gloat' when u see that lots of chor, uchakka, daku wants to steal your collection but no one will 'dare'.
a great collection indeed..
now a days you will find old Tinkle, Vikral ,shukral category comics a lot in old book shop but surely you hit some very good one in your hunt.
i was so happy to see 'Ranu' Pujari , VPS ' Vatan ki Kasam' in your collection
in 'vatan ki kasam' there is Chinese water torcher method which angrez used to torcher one krantikari and it was great part to read. confirm me that krantikari name is Vibhore...Jhabra is another character in that novel..
torcher specialist name was blounslack..
i read this novel around 26 years back.
one VPS fake novel 'kanun nahi bikega ' is there..
Vijay are keshav pandit is must read.. Kubda is mind blowing..
can i request you to pl upload all Madhu muskan, and hindi ACK 'Shaliwahan'...
old IW is a treat to watch and you must be proud of it..
but how come you have not shown us your hindi film magazines collection..?
good, i just added up many bran-new emo backgrounds to my blog
It is really sad that I missed to contribute any article for your anniversay post but as I have explained my predicament to you in my e-mail I am more than willing to contribute any article for any other occasion.
But before that for completing three beautiful years of your blog. Out of these 3 years for the last two and half years I remained/stil remain one of your most consistant visitors and is witness or if I may say so a participant of the developing process of your blog which you started as another blog for sharing IJCs and which now has turned into an effort of preserving not only the old comics but the memories and heritage associated with it. For this whole credit goes to you and also to your esteemed visitors. People like you and Rafiq Raja who have a great collection of comics, people like Alok Sharma and Kuldeep Jain who have such immence knowlege about comics.I feel very proud to be one among you people.
My sincere thanks to Alokbhai for information on Shehabji. I was searching for information on him but could not find. Now I at least know something about him.
You have a great collection and I am trying to build a collection of mine getting inspired by you. It is your blog which re-kindled my passion towards comics. it is only after visiting your blog that I started to collect comics. Previously, I used to buy comics, read them and simply passed them to my friends/neighbours and they just lost for forever. If I would have collected these comics then today I would have around 700+ IJCs and almost all the DC Phantom, Mandrake, Madhu Muskan, Tinkles and some other very rare comics such as comics of Blondie, Kapil etc. along-with all the Chandamas from the year 1985 to 1997, many Nandans, Lot Pots, DCs, MCKs. Fortunately, I am able to recover ACKs due to their availablity and to some extent Diamond Phantom & Mandrake but the rest are lost forever. It is in Jan. 2008 that being inspired by your blog I started collecting comics and my Comic Yatra is still going on. I am planning to write my memoirs associated with it in the shape of an article to share with all of you and like minded people. More than 2000 comics in English, Hindi, Bangla and one/two in some European languages. I visted four States for buying comics. Spend days together in search of comics. Has to stand the opposition of family(read wife). I remember days when despite suffering from fever I visited shop-keepers/markets just to get some of these lost gems. Oh I am not blowing my trumphet on the occasion of anniversary of your blog just trying to analysis the effect that your blog has on me.
Long live your blog &
God bless you.
Congrats, CW!
This is a "FEW" of your collection???
Yeh collection to puri ki puri library ho gayee!!!
Anyways, thanks for the comics, specially Superman & Child Dracula. And keep up the good work.
Mohd.Qasim: Saare Daaku dekh liye jaenge,ek baar yaha aane ki himmat to karein..ha ha ha ha...
Phuktya: Thanks Phuktya Bhai and yes theek pehchana wo jigsaw puzzle hi hai.
@KuldeepJain: Thanks Kuldeep for your post with so many information. I would love to read Archie comics, If you have uploaded it on net I can download it otherwise I will provide my address for DVD. Thanks in advance.
Zaheer Bhai: Why not scan all the comics and post it on NET, before its looted by somebody :-)
C O N G R A T S !
Keep going!!!
Nice Post dear,Keep up the good work
Some suggestion, can you reorganise the blog pages so that it becomes lighter in scrolling and reading
Kuldeep: Part 1
Hello Kuldeep Bhai,sorry for delay in reply as your comments require full attention and proper concentration while replying.First of all thanks for such thinkable comments,yours thoughts are among one of those which give me that required 'kick' to get going.
You have raised very important topic that why Indian comics aren't able to carve a niche of their own at least in India,leave aside the global market.One can easily have a look at present market scenario in order to catch a glimpse of Indian comics in India only,very few publications are left in market.In northern India only Amar Chitra Katha,Diamond Comics and Raj Comics are still going though ACK are surviving on reprinting old issues,whereas Raj Comics are concentrating more on printing quality rather than on script quality,its newer issues are being 'inspired' from western comics and story lines.I don't know how long can they go with this trend.Diamond Comics is publishing a majority on Pran characters only along with some other lifeless characters such as Mahabali Shaka,Abhay Putra etc.Pran's characters such as Chacha Chaudhry,Billoo,Pinky etc have lost their novelty and now have been limited to kids only.I don't think there is any single publication left which can attract a teenage and mature genre of Indian readers,and that's a pity to watch.
Yes,you correctly mentioned that we have witnessed the glorious golden age of Indian comics in late 70's and early 80's when there were numerous publications pouring out unlimited mouth watering issues every week/fortnight/month.Market was flooded with various types of comics and libraries were considered among one of decent profit making business.I remember very well that i use to be mesmerized most of the times with the sheer quality of comics of the likes of Indrajal,Amar Chitra Katha,Madhumuskan,Star comics,Manoj Chitra Katha,Dolton Comics,Deewana,Lotpot,Raj Comics(early issues).At those times comics/novels reading use to have top priority over sleeping,reading(studying).Many of times my mother snatched comics from my hand when she found me reading comics late night,and reading comic holding it in left hand while taking meal with right was a common familiar habit of mine.
In early and mid 90's comic culture start taking a setback with the advent of mobile and net boom but it was suffered most by poor quality of comics and comic publications which forgot indigenous folk stories over 'imported' lifeless stories and super hero culture.Soon shutters began dropping down at a alarming rate and those comics and their hey days got 'extincted'.
Indrajal comics cancelled their series in 1990 and i am still unable to understand why they did so as at that time lakhs of its copies were getting published and Phantom/Mandrake were still being produced from the master story teller Lee Falk,there shouldn't be any shortage of funds with publication of the like of TOI then what made them to suspend the series!!
Madhumuskan was mostly depending upon Jagdish Bharti so once he left it it was supposed to be doomed and it did,a similar fate Manoj Chitra Katha faced after the untimely demise of Bimal Chatterji.
Another TOI publication,'Parag' also closed down in early 90's,though 'Nandan' is still in publication but a shadow of its prime.
Kuldeep: Part 2
Reading and watching ads of products of yesteryears in old issues of Chandamama is a treat,similar feeling arises while turning pages of very old issues of Illustrated weekly specially issues of 40's and 50's,will be preparing a special post on these old nostalgic ads.
Thanks for kind words about my meager collection,yes,it did take quite a lot of efforts to collect but takes more effort to overcome opposition from family(read wife).
Wow,hats of to your memory for correctly recalling the scenes of "Watan Ki Kasam",yes,'Vibhore' was the krantikari and Jhabra was another pioneer character of the novel,and yes 'blouncelack' was that torture specialist who uses the water treatment method in which a water drop was allowed to fall on the victims(Vibhore) head continuously.I hope you will be very well remembering the name of its other characters such as 'Radhika,Shaktipal,Alka' etc.
Among all VPS novels i consider AKS,KTBK and Keshav Pandit/Kanoon Ka Beta as the best,i can read AKS and KTBK anytime.Among the others 'Sabhi Deewane Daulat Ke,Teen Tilenge,Ek Aur Abhimanyu,Saare Jahan se Acha' etc comes next.I still miss VPS novels in Manoj Pocket Books where its cover design and quality was simply unmatched.
Yes,will try to upload as many MM as i can along with other rare comics to preserve them digitally for forever as preservation of physical collection is always unsure.
Kuldeep Bhai i stacked out only those comics which were in my book shelf leaving behind many comics which are kept stuffed in several bags,and those filmy magazines are kept in bags,will be trying to click them whenever i be able to take them out at any other occasion.
Congrats on your 3rd anniversary.
I must say your collection is marvelous, its not second to Phantoms big treasure.
It is very sad that comic reading culture is almost lost.
I want to say and what I have noticed is arise of cable TV in late 90's is singlemost important factor behind shutting down of comics publications. It is not like good old DD days when we see some serials on sunday morning or a movie once a week, rest of the time we either play, study or read comics.
Kash wo zamana doobara aa sakta....
Pls keep up the good work and Best of Luck.
Kuldeep: Part 3
Today i watched "Phir Mile Sur" to compare between old and this new one after your that day's comment.I fully agree with you that we can't even copy and paste with precision.
This new ad fails to ignite that sort of patriotism which old ad use to,remix culture had killed the soul of this very ad,everything look artificial and face lifted,
shots are taken with CGE(Computer generated effects) in background.
The binding central cord is missing in the ad and the all artists resembles scattering pearls of a broken 'mala'.Many necessary icons of India are missing such as Sachin Tendulkar and Lata Mangeshkar.
Remember that old ad which use to start with prelude voice by Pt.Bhimsen Joshi followed by 'shikara' of Kashmir,remember the whole team of 'Tamas' singing "badlaan da roop laike,barsan holey-holey....".Camera then rolls down from state to state capturing essence of each state.Zarina Wahab and Sharmila Tagore echoes the title in regional tune till magical voice of Lata Mangeshkar takes over the baton playing on the lips of Waheeda Rehman and Hema Malini.The Highlight moment of this ad for me was the scene where Amitabh,Jeetendra and Mithun Chakravorty appears singing the tune with hands in hands,i was thrilled to watch this particular scene as before this ad Amitabh-Mithun Chakravorty never worked together in main roles(except "Do Anjane-1976" where Mithun was seen in 2 unsignificant shots).In 1988,Mithun was at the peak of his career and was considered as 'Amitabh bachchan' of poor producers.So,i was naturally thrilled to watch my two favorites heroes of that time together,never mind though in a ad only.
The old ad is only of around 6 minutes duration but ignites and generate the sparks of sheer patriotism and unity in diversity but this new ad though of more than 16 minute duration fails to produce any such feel-good feeling except cursing for the remix culture.
SB: Thanks Arun for kind feelings toward blog.You know that your and mine story is very much similar,i also don't used to bother and care much about collecting these comics when i was running a library.A majority of my comics lost and misplaced here and there.Same as you my passion for comics was re-kindled after i bumped on to TCP and from then the hunt is still on.
Yes,your memories associated with efforts of collecting these comics are very much welcome,pls do share it with all of us.
It will be a good idea if comic lovers like you can author a post of their choice at this blog where they can share their thoughts,thinking and perception with other similar liking comic lovers.I am very much open to this idea,comic lovers endorsing the idea are cordially welcome to write a guest post of their own.
Its very nice to came across with similar liking comic lovers throughout the journey with this blog.Persons like Kuldeep,who have immense knowledge and unmatched devotion towards comics,Rafiq Bhai,who have exceptionally good writing skills along with a very good collection and YOU,who have a strongly burning desire to collect these lost gems again along with open heart to discuss them thick and smooth,its very satisfying and encouraging to find such sort of persons around me.
And,kudos to you for your enthusiasm towards comic collection ,i hope soon we will be witnessing a mammoth collection from your side.
Abdul qureshi: Good idea,aisa hi karta hoon :o)
CC: Many thanks to you buddy for such a nice header.
Manoj: Thanks,but i didn't got you!what you mean by 'lighter' pages!Let me know what problem you are facing with scrolling the pages.
Satish: Thanks Buddy.Yes,those were golden days when there was only one channed,DD,and we wait for thursday and Sunday movie like nothing else.Watching chitrahar and rangoli was not less then any feast.
"Koi lauta de mere beete hue din"
please post more madhu muskan in cbr
welcome to my blog
Mohd.Qasim: More MM will be coming.Keep visiting.
Dear CW Bhai,
You are amazing. I have been reading you and following you but writing for the first time.
You have a loving heart and so have all of us here with you, remembering the wonderful old times.
When we remember the old comics, we basically remember everything related to those times, our school, family,old lost friends and everything else.
thank you for lotpot and chhotu lambu.
I despirately looking for old issues of 'PARAG', specially one writer Avtar Singh who wrote stories in Parag, about a family having dadaji, pinki, bablee and the whole mohalla. I understand that he was an engineering student.
I am also looking for information on a childrens magazine of late sixties and early seventies " Raja Bhaiyya".
I am specially nostalgic about it as in one of its issues it editor , one Didi, wrote that one day all of you (readers) will grow up and will become doctors and engineers. Then I will have no problem. In those days I think the editor was not keeping well physically. Later when I became doctor, I alwasy remebered her. Please find some info on that magazine,its editors and if possible post an issue of it.
So Zaheer Bhai, good luck, great effort, keep going, we are with you and dont forget: Parag ( post one issue), Avtar Singh and Raja Bhaiyya.
till then
dr desh deepak
nice to know so many passionate comic lovers, and many thanks for sharing the amazing comic collection with us ,waiting for more fauladi singh comics specially swarg ke bhagwan as its first part is awesome what ahppens next
prabhu, aap dhanya hain aur hamaara dhanyawaad!
Some of the links not working. Please correct.
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