While searching for some old Diamond comics featuring Motu-Patlu,Lambu-Motu,Chhotu-Lambu i came across with some of them,few of whose covers i am posting here along with Mandrake Diamond Digests.
The humor quality of Motu-Patlu and Chhotu-Lambu,written by Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj and Shehaab respectively, was something different and of high quality.Both these writers used humorous punches of simple day to day happenings of common life supported by powerful illustrations.
Motu-Patlu use to appear in Lotpot and Chhotu-Lambu as a two page comic article in Parag before being picked up by Diamond comics as a full fledged comic character.

The main advantage of Mandrake Diamond Digest is that they contain unedited colored stories in their complete entity unlike Indrajal Comics,which use to edit the stories heavily in order to fit in their limited page format.If these covers attracts my visitors,let me know so that i can post more of them.

The humor quality of Motu-Patlu and Chhotu-Lambu,written by Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj and Shehaab respectively, was something different and of high quality.Both these writers used humorous punches of simple day to day happenings of common life supported by powerful illustrations.
Motu-Patlu use to appear in Lotpot and Chhotu-Lambu as a two page comic article in Parag before being picked up by Diamond comics as a full fledged comic character.

The main advantage of Mandrake Diamond Digest is that they contain unedited colored stories in their complete entity unlike Indrajal Comics,which use to edit the stories heavily in order to fit in their limited page format.If these covers attracts my visitors,let me know so that i can post more of them.

I shall die with happyness...i am getting all these what i could not get during my childhood due to not having sufficient pocket money. i used to watches covers in the book stalls. sometimes they allowed us to turn pages also. but my hunger for these comics is still alive and kicking hard.
if possible please post these comics. the full comics not the covers.
lotpot, motoo patloo, lumboo motooo were my favourite characters. i remember in one of the comics they went into one gang where people were being made robots looking exactly like human and then lumboo makes his robot and before motoo could make his one, they are captured, so gang thinks robot as lumboo and real lumboo then does some action to free them finally and at one time there were two lumboos (one robot and other real) and they tied one ribbon on the hand of robot to recognise...
i think we had this idea of cloning for long but no body picked up this as a scientific research and it remained as a story and west got turned this idea into cloning.
Please don't tease by just showing the covers. I am eagerly waiting for Ram-Rahim's Dracula series and Fauladi singh Bharat waali series
CW, Its grt to see these covers frnd!! If not the comics then at least the covers!! and especially lambu motu n motu patlu
( diamond comics) series!! anderaam-danderaam...aalturaam-faalturaam..these were sm lesser known characters!! but grt ones!!
Wow,CW! Seeing Lambu-Motu/ Motu-Patlu after a long long time. Thanks, friend.
Mohd: Same here friend,i also remember very well how i was attracted by these stapled bunches of printed colored papers on book stalls and use to be glued watching them,sometimes lucky enough to be allowed to hold and turn pages by some kind book stall owners.
Interesting inputs about that Lambu-Motu comic relating it with the idea of cloning,such nostalgic memories are always joy to read.
May other visitors could also share their such moments too.
Don,t worry these comics in full will be soon finding a space here,keep on visiting and sharing your inputs.
Ashoo: "Sabr Ka Phal Meetha hota hai..."
Suahantgm: Comics will also be coming rather than covers only..yeah,there were many lesser known characters which were interesting too such as Sherbaaz,Crookbond etc.
Deb: Welcome friend.
Hi Mohammand
the lamboo motoo comics you are mentioning was "Dharti ka sangram" and the second part was " maut ka Youdh".
the villan name was "shakral"
Hello All, n especially Kuldeep, Can you plz tell me abt second part of Vatan Ke Pahredaar( Lambu-Motu). It was published somewhere in 85-86. Story line revolves around Lambu-Motu's frnd Bhagat Singh, whose Judge Dad got killed in a carbomb explosion just after he sentenced "KalaPahad" to death. Bhagatsingh escapes to take revenge. Kalapahad was freed by attacking on jail by his gang. that videshi gang used helicopters & lot of gunman to free Kala Pahad!! The storyline in those days was quite captivating & ahead of its time. I was hardly in class 3 in those days n dats y this story has an unforgettable mark in my memory! Alas, I couldnt find its 2nd part!:( Lambu motu fight crocodiles too in this comic after getting captured by the villains in a deep cave..
Plz, Plz, Plz..If anybody can gimme...
Kuldeep: Dear Kuldeep you are most welcome here,its always nice to find a similar Hindi comic lover.
Thanks for your information,it seems you are also interested in background of comics.
It would be nice if ever you could contribute comic scans of your collection for all comic lovers.
Also could you throw some light over the very first issue of Manoj Comics!!
For off-blog comic discussions you can mail me at comik.world@gmail.com
Sushantgm: Its nice to see fellow comic lovers being involved in interesting comic discussion about their favorite issue/characters.
I also remember the Dracula Series of Lambu-Motu in particular,this story became so popular that it was extended and incorporated serially in Ankur too.I also use to read it with a lot of interest till the plot was over extended and lost its charm.
Thanks a lot for these covers, CW. I never knew Chottu Lambu had their own series. I only remember them from reading about them in IJCs. They would usually have a small two-page feature in the end. They were by Shehab right? I loved Shehab...he was so cool! Chimpoo (was it?) and Chaman Charlie were some other gems of his (well more so Chimpoo than Charlie!)
Adibud34: Adi Chhotu-Lambu first appeared as a two page comic article in Parag and later Diamond Comics published a whole comic series on them.
The character which use to appear in IJCs was 'Chimpoo',authored by Shehab only.Shehab also created another popular character 'Manglu Madari,Bandar Bihari',which used to appear in Madhumuskan those times,Chaman Charlie was the modified form of Mangula Madari only.
I am having those old issues of Madhumuskan's featuring Manglu Madari,will be posting some of them.
I wish to gather some information about a particular issue of Fauladi Singh from all comic lovers,that particular issue was consisting a story in which Fauladi Singh reaches to heaven where he come across with several GODs like Vishnu,Shiv,Brahma,Narada etc,initially he was about to believe that he was facing the real GODs but later on it was revealed that it was some conspiracy of a scientist and all the GODs were fake.
I think that the name of that issue was "Fauladi Singh aur Swarg Ke Bhagwan",though i am not 100% sure about the title.Can anybody provide more information about that issue or can provide it scans!!
Sorry, link was broken..here is d wrking one:
Sushantgm: Sushant thanks for the information and link,going to download the comic.
Will be searching these interesting Fauladi Singh comics at old book shops and hope to find them.:o)
Sushantgm: A correction pls,Chaman Charlie was not the modification of Manglu Madari rather it was Indian version of Charlie Chaplin.
Hi All
it is really an honour to meet you ALL..i never thought that i will meet such comic lover after so many years..'comic world' many thanks for a warm welcome
we all know that those days the comic quality , story line was just just great, unmatchable..
no sex , no violence but full of every day humour,simple characters and full of good messages..
i can remember all the comics i read those days..
sushantgm asked here the name of second part comic vatan ke pehredar.. if my memory is correct the second part was "sarhad ke angare"
bhagat singh father was the main villan who arranged his false death drama and he was actually a traiter to the country.
the first part of "swarg ke bhagwan" was "antriksh ki apsara"
the other amazing comics from fauladi singh series were..
1. Chipkali ka pratisodh
2. dhue ki aurat
3. darkland ka shaitan
4. chakravuya ka maseeha
5. antriksh ki pretatma
6.Vinash ke pujari
7.fauladi singh ka akhiri sangram
1 ,2 4,7 is not in my collection..they were once but lost it ( believe me i was upset for months that time)
'comic world' believe me i want to share my comic collection with all but unfortunately i am not in india where all my collection is..
it is a promise that one day i will..
Kuldeep: Most welcome and thanks for the information,i hope Sushantgm will be more than happy now.
Kuldeep we will hoping that you will be providing scans as soon as you could.
I remember a particular scene,perhaps from "Fauladi Singh aur Karkola ka Chakravyuh",where the acid rain happens in a city and the peoples turned into skeleton,Kuldeep am i right about the comic..!!!
thx kuldeep, a lot of thx fr dat! yah, sarhad ke angare was indeed d 2nd part! can u/ nybdy plz upload dat?i still find vijay pandits art grt n unmatchable...
Hi all
Comic world : you are correct about the comic but with a slight modification..acid rain was happening in karkola den which he was terming as his last door of chakravuyh.. later on with fight with fauladi karkola tries to run out of the door and find himself trapped in the rain and then turned to skeleton..
sushantgm: sorry dost ..i donot have this comic..
from lamboo motoo series i do have "gaddaro ki toli" gaddaro ka vinash and even lamboo motoo first comic " lamboo motoo murdo ki basti me..
Kuldeep: Kuldeep thanks for reminding the scene,yes,now i remember that scene,Karkola running out his den and being converted to skeleton,the artwork illustrating him converting into skeleton was quite gripping one.I still remember his skull and exposed teeth with flesh dripping down his body.
Dude...post the links man...post them
gr8 scans! Please piblish the rest of the Mandrake scans.
its good to see u all dedicated comic adhorers,i am having few old issues of fauladi singh as ,shitan tarwil,tarwil ki tabahi,ajnabi grah me ,chipkili ka pratishodh etc,but i miss that globe revolting series in which antrikshak is made and ones where lambu revolts ,pls find them and post them.
amazing...................i am livng in my past again...............all my best wishes .........
fantabulous, really....
its very nice to get nostalgic after seeing and reading those priceless characters like motu patlu, chacha choudhary and madhu muskan......
I have one sincere request. please post more of Madhu Muskan..
i simply adore them. they remind me of my childhood days....and they are priceless...i am looking download more of madhu muskans
It is a great deal to have a "Motu Patlu" comic. I was born in india and migrated to USA 20 years ago. Motu patlu (Lotpot) was my one of the best comics. Please be kind enough to post the whole comic here soom. Thanks to you all who are posting these comics.
By the way my Web Name is "Self American".
Nice to see you guys.
Fauladi Singh series was my favourite and I have 55 Faulad comics.
Swarg ke Bhagwan series was in two parts and ended with Dorf rocket and Dr John, Faulad, Lamboo destroying the so-called swarg.
In fact, after that the standards declined because Ashwini 'Ashu' stopped writing and the artist also changed.
Soon the ghosts arrived and new writers like Zamir and Bharat Makwana had no idea of Fauladi Singh.
Earlier, the series took off after the first 15 comics. From Antriksh mein Tabahi and then the great three part series..
Globe ka Aatank, Dreamland ka Badshah aur Antriksh mein Sangramm..
Antriksha ka Bhagwan
SitaroN ka Yuddh etc
dear all, its amazing that there r ao many comics available online, that u have posted over here. Can u guys provide me the link so that i download them and make my collection. These covers actually refreshed my own old childhood memories and i wish i can get them....i know its hard to find the hard copies but i hope if u guys have them i can atleast have soft copies from u guys......please let me know !!! U can contact me at vgd229@yahoo.com
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indscribe ... Can i have the link for All 55 Fauladi Singh Comics Please(dnj.kumar@gmail.com)
Where are you buddy....
waiting to get your comics upload...
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