दोस्तों एक तवील(लम्बे) वक्फ़े(अन्तराल) के बाद मैं दोबारा हाज़िर हूँ एक कॉमिक आप सब की खिदमत में लेकर.दरअसल पिछले कुछ वक़्त से कॉमिक्स की दुनिया से दिल कुछ उचाट सा हो गया था जो की वायस(वजह) था कॉमिक पोस्टिंग को लेकर मेरी उदासीनता का.वैसे भी जैसा के आप लोग जानते ही हैं की महज़ कॉमिक पोस्टिंग करना मेरा मक़सद नहीं,मेरा मक़सद तो दरअसल कॉमिक्स के साथ आप लोगों के साथ उनसे जुडी यादें सुनना और सुनाना है.
ऐसी ही आज की कॉमिक है मधुमुस्कान का अंक न.351.मधुमुस्कान,जैसा की आपको मालूम होगा ही,एक ऐसी हास्य पत्रिका थी जो सरल हास्य के साथ अन्दर तक गुदगुदा देती थी जिसमे जगदीश,हरीश सूदन
,हुसैन ज़ामिन,अंसार अख्तर,पाशा आदि कलाकारों की रचनायें बेहद सशक्त और मनोरंजक हुआ करती थी.
इन्ही सब कलाकारों की कला से सजी एक और मधुमुस्कान हाज़िर है आप सब के लिए जो आपको निहायत ही पसंद आएगी क्योंकि इसमें जासूस बबलू अपने 'जासूसी कीड़े' के साथ हाज़िर हैं.सुस्तराम ने टाई की जगह सांप लपेट लिया गले में और उसके बाद जो फज़ीहत खड़ी होती है वो पढ़ने लायक ही है.
डैडी जी एक बार फिर अपनी खुराफातों की वजह से मुसीबतों में घिरने जा रहे हैं,और इन सबके साथ बाकी सभी नियमित फीचर्स भी शामिल है.
तो लीजिये प्रस्तुत है इस कॉमिक का डाऊनलोड लिंक
आप जब इस कॉमिक को डाऊनलोड करेंगे तो इसके सबसे आखिरी पन्ने पर एक तस्वीर पाएंगे जो की यह है
क्या आप में से कोई यह बता सकता है की यह किस एक्टर की तस्वीर है और यह गेटअप इस एक्टर ने किस फ़िल्म के लिए बनाया था.
amtiabh bachhan, film Coolie.. for Song Lambu ji Lambu ji..
Amitabh bachan. baki to kuldeep bhai ne pehaley hi bata diya hai.
Kuldeep Jain: कुलदीप भाई आपको भी एक लम्बे वक्फ़े के बाद वापस देखकर बड़ी ख़ुशी हो रही है,और हाँ आपका जवाब बिलकुल सही है,यह मद्रासी का गेटअप अमिताभ ने फिल्म कुली के लिए अपनाया था एक गीत के लिए जिसके बोल थे 'लम्बू जी-टिंगु जी'.इस गीत के गायक थे शब्बीर कुमार और शैलेन्द्र सिंह जिसमे शब्बीर ने अमिताभ को आवाज़ उधार दी थी और शैलेन्द्र ने ऋषि कपूर को.यदि आप यह गीत गौर से सुनेंगे तो पाएंगे की बीच में शैलेन्द्र की एक लाइन पर अमिताभ ने होंठ हिला दिए हैं.
इस तरह की त्रुटियाँ मैंने कई और भी गीतों में नोट की हैं जिन्हें विस्तारपूर्वक किसी और पोस्ट में शामिल करूँगा.
Deep: Yes Navdeep bro you are also correct.
AKF: शुक्रिया आनंद भाई.जैसा की मैं पहले भी कह चूका था की मैं सिर्फ़ वक्ती तौर पर अपलोडिंग से कुछ देर का विराम ले रहा था,कॉमिक्स अपलोडिंग आगे भी सुविधानुसार जारी रहेगी.
Thanks Zaheer Bhai for uploading this wonderful Madhumuskan.
क्या आप हमारीवाणी के सदस्य हैं? हमारीवाणी भारतीय ब्लॉग्स का संकलक है.
अधिक जानकारी के लिए पढ़ें:
हमारीवाणी पर ब्लॉग पंजीकृत करने की विधि
हमारीवाणी पर ब्लॉग प्रकाशित करने के लिए क्लिक कोड लगाएँ
Hmmm. Now I'm thinking why I haven't seen this post earlier. This is one question I know the answer for but as it's already been desclosed so there's no point in arguing. Anyhow, Thank you very very very much for Madhu Muskaan. These are my favourite. Please post more whenever you can.
i didnot know answer of this question because i have watched Coolie and i liked this song but this picture actually took me back to the old days when film magazines like mayapuri, filmi kalia , movie jagat were full with pictures like this and giving info which movie is coming, which movie just started etc etc.
this type of images were arousing a curiosity about the movie and trailer of the movie was another factor which was making the movie houseful atleast for first week.
lot of inside info of movie set , movie cast were given in this magazines and it was real a treat to read and enjoy the movie with this read in the corner of my mind.
do u all know that Amitabh star "ganga jamna saraswati" was actually getting made with 3 heros named ganga jamna and saraswati ( amitabh, mithun and rishi kapur) as one filmi magazine reported the "mahurat" but the movie never finished that story line and turned up something else.
Jitendra strarr "sinhasan" was made
parallally in Telgu and Hindi. only hero was changed other cast was same..
Abdul Quereshi: Welcome friend.
The Devil: Welcome buddy
Kuldeep Jain: Now thats the Kuldeep Bhai which we all know.Yes,you are right Kuldeep Bhai that initially Manmohan Desai's last directorial venture 'Ganga Jamuna Saraswati was announced with three heroes Amitabh,Mithun and Rishi Kapoor,i was very excited about the star cast as Amitabh and Mithun both were mega-stars of 1980's and before this movie Amitabh and Mithun had never featured together(leaving behind the inconsequential role of Mithun in 'Do Anjane').
So there was a lot of hype and expectation with this movie and every news relating with it was a worth read as super-duper successful Manmohan Desai was the director and Super Star Amitabh was the hero along with his most promising competitor Mithun(though Anil Kapoor was also in race but his name would become prominent only after 'Mr.India' and 'Ram Lakhan').
Hindi film magazines such as Sushma,Madhuri,Mayapuri,Filmi Kaliyan,Menka,Filmi Duniya etc were quite prompt to include any updates on these movies in general and Amitabh in particular.I remember to be a avid reader of Sushma,Madhuri and Mayapuri(at those times Mayapuri use to give very honest,unbiased and correct reviews about of latests released movies) from where i use to get every info and update about these movies.
this magazines what Jaheer bhai mentioned were really good read and people use to wait eagerly for this magazines. filmfare later on got the top slot and as i remember Madhuri was closed down without any notification.when TV started flooding the channels with film content and video magzines such as "lehre" came to market this magazines lost the ground but i never found the TV match to the magic created by this magazines. Gautam Rajdhayksha photo shoot, new film launch , studio report , film story , interview with actor , actress it was more fun to read them rather watching on TV.
even the small actors like mack mohan, bob Cristo, manek irani , janki das got their space time to time in this magazines.
if i remember it was 1994 i lost track of most of this magazines. I do see Filemfare on book stand time to time but it doesnot incite any interest.
Nice to see you back with a comic post. Variety is the key. After some good film based posts a seldom post on comic would make the blog more colourful.
Shall wait for the song related post.
Got Daud novel in Hindi by Abid Surtiji recently. Was searching for it for a long time. It is a 1977 version with cover price of Rs. 2/- only.
You must have acquired some more comics/books/magazines recently. Keeping in view the past trend it would be better if you post covers of some of them.
Kuldeep bhai close down of 'Madhuri' happened in sad steps,i.e.,initially its standard was downgraded by publishing it in newsprint paper from the normal glazed quality paper and then after reducing its no. of pages and before final shutdown it was rechristened as 'FILMFARE-hindi' which lasted for few months before curtains.
My first familiarization with Mayapuri happened in barber shops where i use to go for hair cuts and Mayapuri was placed there to kill time for waiting customers.It was a common trend adopted by barbers to keep a cheap film magazine such as Mayapuri(it was then priced at Rs.1/-) for amusement of their waiting customers,and in beginning i use to flip its pages for colorful pictures of stars but later i hooked up reading some really good stuff from it also such as film reviews and reports of films in making.Many of times i visited my nearby barber shop only for reading the latest film reviews from this weekly.
In mid 80's when video culture shook film industry then film print media also suffered a setback as reading habit was being replaced by video magazines such as 'Lehren,Kalchakra' etc with Bombino,shemaroo being the major players in the field of video news.More on video culture and memories associated with those days i will be trying to pen in a separate post.
English 'Filmfare' was still readable till 6-8 month before as it use to regularly devote a article on artists of bygone era but around 5-6 months before it has gone through a complete face-lift and now it has become total funky-monky mag concentrating on lighter and gossipy worthless side of actors and films.
I will be trying to post articles from 1950-60's era of filmfare when it was a complete serious magazine devoted wholly to meaningful and sincere film journalism,and it always feel sad when i compare filmfare issues of that era with nowadays issue.
SB: Arun Bro its god to see you back,you along with Kuldeep Bhai were being missed here.
It sound nice to hear about that Daud novel from you,if possible then send it cover scan or better write a post on your comic collection and interesting anecdotes related with it.
Well,in recent past i was concentrating more on vintage film magazines rather than comics,and luckily i have been able to find some really good,rare and vintage film magazines,will be trying to post important articles/images from it soon.
बन्धु ऐसे गायब न हुआ कीजिये.. आज जब लोग दुनिया में लड़ाई झगड़े पर उतारू हैं जाति के नाम पर धर्म के नाम पर, मुझे ये कामिक्सें आज से तकरीबन तीस साल पहले यानी कि जब मैं छ: साल का था, ले जाती हैं. वह समय बहुत अच्छा लगता है, पैसा नहीं था लेकिन खुशी थी.. कोई लौटा दे मेरे बीते हुये दिन... वे कल्पनायें, वे किस्से, वे कहानियां... हमें थोड़ा सा बच्चा बनने दो मेरे मित्र...
भारतीय नागरिक: भाई मेरे इस तेज़ रफ़्तार भौतिकतावादी दुनिया में कोशिश करता रहता हूँ अपने अन्दर के उस बचपने को कुम्हलाने से बचाने की जिसे यह पैसे के पीछे भागने की अंधी दौड़ और दूसरी ज़िम्मेदारियाँ मिलकर साँस लेने नहीं देती.इसलिए जब भी यादों की मौजें ज़्यादा जोर मारती हैं तो हाज़िर हो जाता हूँ एक-आध कॉमिक्स लेकर.
Anon: Welcome and thanks for visiting.
Nice post! visit http://comic-cover.blogspot.com/ for vintage comic covers.Do leave your thoughts and suggestions.
Please visit http://theworldofsillyboy.blogspot.com/
काफी दिनों बाद आपके ब्लॉग पर आकर अच्छा लगा. मधु मुस्कान मेरी भी पसंदीदा कॉमिक्स थी. आभार.
अभिषेक मिश्र: अभिषेक भाई स्वागत है आपका.
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