Dear friends,visitors and comic lovers from all over the world,today on 4th Feb. Comic World completes 2nd year of its existence.Thanks all of you for your love and association with Comic World during this period.
Whole two years have been passed after when a passionate comic lover jumps into a unknown and new field of blogging with a motive in mind to share,discuss,revive and relive the 'lost world' of childhood through the comics.The comics which forms the integral part of his childhood sweet memories. What made me to form a comic blog has been already mentioned few times before,still if new visitors wish to read the reason behind it they can read it from here.
In these two years much has been changed,with the advent of numerous contributors the quota of 803 Indrajal comics is going to be depleted soon and all Indrajal comics will be available online,which is satisfying and encouraging as after that the platform for discussion on comics will be more solid and wide.Mere comic posting was not my only preference,rather healthy,worthy and thick comic discussions do attract me more,thats why my posting frequency was not very quick as i use to post only when i do have something to tell/discuss over that particular comic/post.
When this blog was started i was having only odd 75+ Indrajal comics along with few other old comic such as Manoj Chitra Katha,Superman etc,but within these 2 years i was able to build up a sizeable collection which currently comprises of Indrajals,Amar Chitra Katha,Tinkles,Manoj Chitra Katha,Madhumuskans,Deewanas,Tulsi Comics,Star comics,Frews,Gold keys and many other comics.In my house comics are lying the book shelf purchased specially for comics,over the book shelf,stuffed in couple of bags as well as on my computer table also.
For me the beginning of 2009 has been proved quite productive regarding comics,as within January itself i got lots of comics consisting of many of my missing Indrajals as well as other comics such as Amar Chitra Kathas and other lesser known comics,which i took intentionally for the purpose of gathering information for Anupam's comic encyclopedia project.
Well,for this special anniversary post its kept in mind to satisfy the likes of the majority of comic lovers,and for that a variety of comics are being presented.
Starting with our favorite Indrajal comics,this particular issue "The Valley Of Living Dead" (Vol.20.No.49) is actually the reprint version of Indrajal No.19,"Moogoo's Dolls",which itself is the comic version of Sunday strip No.21 "The Haunted Castle" (12-09-1948 to 13-02-1949). Ardent Phantom enthusiast can easily find out that this strip actually is the combined work of two illustrator,namely Moore and MCcoy.The first two pages were illustrated by Moore whereas rest strip was taken up by MCcoy.

Download Comic
Ongoing with the Indrajal comics,the following two are contributed by Ajay for CW anniversary post,for which many thanks to him.

In these two years much has been changed,with the advent of numerous contributors the quota of 803 Indrajal comics is going to be depleted soon and all Indrajal comics will be available online,which is satisfying and encouraging as after that the platform for discussion on comics will be more solid and wide.Mere comic posting was not my only preference,rather healthy,worthy and thick comic discussions do attract me more,thats why my posting frequency was not very quick as i use to post only when i do have something to tell/discuss over that particular comic/post.
When this blog was started i was having only odd 75+ Indrajal comics along with few other old comic such as Manoj Chitra Katha,Superman etc,but within these 2 years i was able to build up a sizeable collection which currently comprises of Indrajals,Amar Chitra Katha,Tinkles,Manoj Chitra Katha,Madhumuskans,Deewanas,Tulsi Comics,Star comics,Frews,Gold keys and many other comics.In my house comics are lying the book shelf purchased specially for comics,over the book shelf,stuffed in couple of bags as well as on my computer table also.
For me the beginning of 2009 has been proved quite productive regarding comics,as within January itself i got lots of comics consisting of many of my missing Indrajals as well as other comics such as Amar Chitra Kathas and other lesser known comics,which i took intentionally for the purpose of gathering information for Anupam's comic encyclopedia project.
Well,for this special anniversary post its kept in mind to satisfy the likes of the majority of comic lovers,and for that a variety of comics are being presented.
Starting with our favorite Indrajal comics,this particular issue "The Valley Of Living Dead" (Vol.20.No.49) is actually the reprint version of Indrajal No.19,"Moogoo's Dolls",which itself is the comic version of Sunday strip No.21 "The Haunted Castle" (12-09-1948 to 13-02-1949). Ardent Phantom enthusiast can easily find out that this strip actually is the combined work of two illustrator,namely Moore and MCcoy.The first two pages were illustrated by Moore whereas rest strip was taken up by MCcoy.

Download Comic
Ongoing with the Indrajal comics,the following two are contributed by Ajay for CW anniversary post,for which many thanks to him.

For comic lovers of other than Indrajal comics,here is presented for the first time a full Deewana,scanned from 1st page to last page.Enjoy....

Download Deewana
For the lovers of Madhumuskan,here is a full Madhumuskan, scanned from 1st to last page.Abdul are you happy???

Download Madhumuskan
As you all know about the quality and popularity of Manoj Chitra Kathas,specially those very early MCK which were in big page format.So here are the few covers of those very early Manoj Chitra Kathas,infact the comic "Aalha-Udal" is from the very first, ever published, set of MCK.
Any takers of these Manoj Chitra Kathas.....!!! If yes then let me know and these will be right here on your PC monitors.

Anupam,few days back i came across with these comics,about which i did never hear before.Do you require the information regarding these comics?If yes,kindly let me know.

....and yes Anupam here is your requested comic.This is the first comic of 'Shuja' series,i remember reading a few more of them.This one is quite simple with a plain story,illustrations are by Govind Brahmania but nobody is credited as its writer.If anyone can throw some light on details of this comic,pls share with us the information.

Download comic
राम राम भाई..
पढ़ लिए जी आपकी सारी कामिक्स.. बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद के साथ में ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं भी.. आखिर दूसरा हैप्पी बड्डे है आपका.. :)
अजी हमारा तो कहना है कि आप शतक मारेंगे..
आपका शतक मतलब हमारी चांदी ही चांदी.. कामिक्स के ढेर पर हम अंकल स्क्रूच कि तरह गुलाटी मारेंगे.. :)
Alright, first to claim first!
But exactly where and how do you source the comics?
Do tell in your next post. :)
P.S. What do you think of the Nagraj comic empire? In terms of artwork, storylines etc they seem to be doing a pretty imitation of DC/Marvel comics.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please upload these MCK jewels
Umm, just a random thought - a shitload of bloggers are present but why don't you guys consolidate and make a yahoogroup for discussions?
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary CW! I can't believe that it has been 2 years already :o)
Happy 2nd anniversary CW!
Nice choices of comics for this special occasion. I’d like to see all MCK, especially Aalha-Udal & Tamerlan (other names: Timur or Timour Lang or Timour the Lame one). In the Chagatai language, Timur means "iron". It is a derivation of the Sanskrit word cimara ("iron").
Congrats on your 2nd anniversary,CW!
Would love the MCKs (the earlier big ones - they were better) & Superman (Star Comics). The 80s Superman comics had a much better plot than the present genre.
Please please please upload the MCKs and old Diamond Comics too if you have any.
dear comic world..
what a question.. ?? any taker of these comics ? sir jee itna bhi na tadpaiye..
please do upload..
Anupam.. in manoj i am eagerly looking for comic 'insaf ka pujari' you ahve it and request to pl upload it..
any one here to take my request for chotu lambu as well..
Bhai Jaan Bahut Badiya. The covers are very attractive. The MCK covers it seems are drawn by C.M. Vitankar the veteran cover artist.
Congrats on your 2nd anniversary,CW!
It is indeed a very big post.Thanks for the colourful MCK covers too.
Not too many people possess these gems today(apart from Indrajals).
I loved those initially but could not quite go through bec of language.
Dear Zaheer,
Congrats on your blog's second anniversary . Keep it up.
Can we have an Entire Blog for Madhumuskan
Plz ? Untill then, plz keep on posting Madhumuskans (they are rarest to find on the net, only 3-4, uptill now).
Please post as many Madhumuskans as many possible.
PD: पी.डी.भाई राम राम एवं शुभकामनाओं के लिए हार्दिक धन्यवाद.लीजिये एक और कॉमिक पेश कर दी आपके लिए,पढ़िये और खूब गुलाटी मारिये..
KK: Yes,you are indeed the first.Congrats!
Primary comic sources are old book shops and swap deals with friends.
Nagraj comics,or better to say Raj comics are becoming technically brilliant by time but the stories not being directly proportional.
I also use to read Raj comics at its initial stage but later on when repeatability began to crept in the stories my interest in them was lost.
Anon: Pls keep checking,all those will be glittering here soon.
Pls leave a name also.
Col.: Thanks Col.,yeah,time flies away very quickly my friend :)
Prabhat: Thanks Prabhat.Manoj comic are also one of my favorite.I would also like to see all of them on net.
Deb: Thanks Deb.Yes,there was something special in the earlier big format MCKs,which certainly was missing from later issues.
Anon: Thanks.MCKs will be coming soon here,pls keep coming.
Kuldeep: Thanks Kuldeep,you and your comments were being missed here.
I also have few Chhotu-Lambu as well,will be trying to upload quick.
Silly Boy: Welcome man....where were you buddy!!!!
Yes,the artist of these MCKs was C.M.Vitankar,whose painted covers are rated very high and are very attractive.
Chandan: Welcome and Thanks Chandan.Manoj Chitra Katha were also use to be published in English,you can enjoy those.
Ajay: Thanks Ajay.
Rohan: Its nice to come across with a ardent Madhumuskan fan as they are always rare to find.
I will be trying to upload as many as i can and have.
o n y o u r s e c o n d
a n n i v e r s a r y, CW
राम राम भैया..
अभी अभी ऑफिस से आये और ई वाला कमिक्सवा भी ख़तम कर दिए अऊर आभार जताने के लिए इहाँ आ गए..
अगला नंबर कब आयेगा? :D
congrats on your 2nd anniversary. its indeed a great job to keep such a blog alive. Thanks and keep it up.
Hey CW,
Nice uploads and thanks for that Shujah comics on my request.
You are lucky to have gathered so many comics in the last months, I too am hunting but so many publishers never sent there comics to this place, so its hard to find their comics here.
Anyway about that Durga comics, yes I have 4 of them. I have seen the very first set when they started publishing, a great variety in cover attracted me, but the inner pages were poor and I never intended to read the second or following sets...
And about those GIANT manoj cover, I have just 8 of the GIANT MCKS, and they were great, I just can't wait to have the collection of them,
anyway I am building a list of MCK published, Its a request to all the readers, kindly send me the list of MCKs they have with the serial No., title and the characters, so that I can complete the list of MCKs pulished. Hope you all will help
Hi CW,
Congratulations on your second anniversary dude. Trust me your blog has been one of the most important blogs I am using for my research on my Documentary project Chitrakathaa. So many comics and such great posts, I am speechless...please forward me your email address so that we can get in touch with you and we can share more info over the mails which will be really helpful for me while compiling data for my Documentary...A huge round of applause foe Shooja & Deewana post, as I discussed a lot on these titles with Aabid Surti ji & Jagdeesh ji respectively and was looking for good scans...Thanks a ton buddy
BTW my email add:
I am planning to start a Google Group called Chitrakathaa where we all Indian Comic Book Lovers can meet and discuss things. I would like to have everybody's suggestions and tips for my Documentary.
Besides I am also making a questionnaire for the comic book creators where all the fans can add their questions below the creator's name and we will try to cover all these questions in our detailed interviews for the documentary, this way we all will get to ask the questions we always wanted to ask the creators. Please join the group and ask other guys to join it too...
Congrats on your 2nd anniv CW! May you have many many more happy anniversaries to follow! :) And thanks for the awesome Mandrake; I've been waiting for that a long time!
Congratulations on 2nd anniversary,Thank you very much for posting Madhumuskan, waiting for more:)
Buddy I forget to wish you on the 2nd anniversary of your GREAT BLOG.Congratulations. Shuja Comics were written by Mr. Abid Surti of Dabbuji fame (or should I say Bahadur fame). He also created Inspector Azad. Last time I recommended to for Children's Digest. I am taking my recommendation back. One comic of that magazine of Dec. 2008 issue kindles my hopes but Jan. 2009 extinguish them. Oh you asked me where I have been. Busy with life buddy and in the spare time searching old comics. Got some small size Madhu Muskan in the meantime. (Raj Comics size and not the hopeless Digest size). Please tell me whether Jagdish Bharti of Popat-Chopat fame created any comic for Diwana.
CC: Thanks Pal.
PD: राम राम पी.डी. भैया.यु आर मोस्ट वैलकम...अगली कॉमिक्स कौनसी पढ़ना चाहते हैं,बताइयेगा..ये ब्लॉग आप सब के लिए ही है इसलिए जम के फरमाईशें भेजिए.
Satish: Many thanks Satish.Pls keep visiting.
Anupam: Welcome Anupam.Well,comic hunt and specially of defunct old comics is a matter of luck mostly.During the 2nd half of last year it was literally a comic-drought for me,but fortunately with the advent of the current year i came across with several opportunities to procure these comics and i grabbed them with teeth.So you never know when comic-luck strikes you,one should just keep on searching.
Those very early Manoj Chitra Katha issues are really a treat to hold,cover art by C.M.Vitankar and gripping stories were the main masala ingredients.
I am having quite a few of those early issues,now looking for those very few GIANT size published MCK.Do you remember those super giant size MCKs?
I will be happy to provide any support/help for your project which i can.
TF: Thanks for the wishes as well as praiseworthy kind words.
I am having great expectations with your project and will happy to impart any sort of support of which i am capable of.Pls feel free to ask for any support.
My mail id,,is itself displayed on blog,but anyway sending you a introductory mail soon.
BTW,joined your group today :)
Adibud34: Thanks and welcome Adi.Hows your elbow now?..hope to find you well soon.
Abdul: Thanks and welcome Abdul.More will be coming soon,pls keep visiting.
Silly Boy: Thanks Buddy.Well,i would love to hear from you about the comics,which you find recently.
Thanks for Shuja's writer information.I don't think and remember that Jagdish drew any feature for Deewana as till today i never find any Jagdish drawn character in Deewana.
Madhumuskan kept their big size format up to 700 or 800+ issues,after which they adopted small size format till the very end.
Hi CW when I met Jagdish Ji, he also told he did something for Diwana but sadly he gave away all his books to kids when he left Delhi
Dear Friend CW:
Congrats on the 2nd Anniversary. Also Thanks to all those Contributors to the Comic World.
Some Vintage stuffs like evergreen Indrajal, Madhu Mushkaan, Durga Comics, Nutan Comics, you really made the 2nd Anniversary Post all the more complete. :)
Wish you all the success and great more posts in the coming months, and years to come.
By the way, haven't seen you for a long time at my blog. Hope to see you often at the different category posts.
Enjoy Blogging and Reading..
Dear CW, 2 years and what a record! keep it up! btw, pl. send me ur wanted list so i can see if i have any of it to complete my has been a long gap and i would like to complete my commitment.
TF: Nice information pal.If you are still in touch with Jagdish ji then can you ask him about the details of features provided by him for Deewana!
Rafiq: Dear Rafiq,many thanks for your kind words.
During recent past i was not able to register my presence on your wonderful blog,but recently i left my reaction on tinkle collector issue post,and now will be constantly in touch with you and your blog.
TSCT: Dear Sameer many thanks for the kind words and offer.Will be mailing you soon about it.
Can you send me the new set and forthcoming set (Inside covers) of the MCKs you have (the big ones)
Anupam: Anupam few big MCKs i am having here and rest are at my home.Will,be mailing you the scans of those which i have at present.
I love to read all of these Indrajal (in English), and I thank you for your efforts.
BUT, I strongly dislike the tags you (and some others) place in the scans here and there.
If one does not want to see its sharing stolen by others, stop sharing, but, please, do not add tags.
For me, the sharing process is a generous thing that wait for nothing in return; “the pleasure to make a gift”. I can’t think at a gift where I will ask to "This iPod is a gift from Emile” burned on the iPod (for example)… think that in a few days it will be Valentine’s day ;)
Anon: Dear friend personally i also don't like to scribe anything over a comic,for the same reason i never-ever scribbled a single line or my name or marked my stamp over any of my comic only because of the reason that i like to read/collect comic in its original natural form.
Regarding theft of scans,naturally no body,specially a scanner/uploader,will approve/like it.
I too don't like it but like certainly that all readers of that particular comic should be aware of the 'original' source of that very comic,hence the tags are placed purposely here and there in the scans but on the same line i take care to place tags on such spaces where they don't disturb/interfere in the way of reading.
Sorry if they interfered with your reading,will take more care to isolate them as much as possible from main frames of comic.
phenomenal work :)
Aditya: Welcome Aditya on Comic World.
Dear C/W
Last while going through my collection of inderjal comics I wondered who is the best cover artist of Inderjal Comics. Works of two artits i.e. Shehab and Barhamani(I beg your pardon if I am spelling his name wrongly but I mean the illustrator of Bahadur) was before me and I have seen the work of C.M. Vitankar on net. My vote goes to Shehab. What is your opinion. You can update the question on your blog for knowing the opinion of others as well. The first few comics of Nagraj had two covers. The original covers were designed by 'Sanjay Astputre' who had also illustrated the comics. Later on when Raj Comics re-released the comics they introduced a new cover designed by Patrap Mullick. I consider him one of the best cover designer of Indian comics along-with Pardeep Sathe, Ram Vaikar and C.M. Vitankar. Though Shehab designed Inderjal covers in the middle period but other than this I have not found cover of any comic designed by him other than his own comics of Chhotu Lambu. My wife was ill last week and I had to spend a lot of time in the hospital for attending her. I utilized the time for collecting facts about comics and one interesting anecdote. Don't have time but send you in due course. Can you please mail me the scans of Diwana.
S.B.: Indrajal comic covers were manly designed by B.Govind or Govind Brahamania (Illustraor of Bahadur),Shehab,P.G.Bandodkar and Shekhar.
B.Govind did a majority of covers,Shehab for the first time designed cover of issue no.349 of Indrajal comics,though very talented,Shehab was basically a caricature/comic illustrator and hence his work inflected a funny comic look in his covers.Many of times his cover failed to impart the seriousness and undercurrent which is normally associated with Phantom stories and hence giving cover Phantom a funny look.
For me B.Govind was certainly the best Phantom cover artist and specially his paint like covers of very early Indrajals are the real classic.
For comics other than Indrajal,i.e.Manoj Chitra Katha,C.M.Vitankar was certainly the best among cover designers of MCK.His painted cover designs are the classics,on can easily witness his brilliance in the very early MCKs.
Raam Waeerkar,Pratap Mullick are the other talented cover artists/illustrators who are experts both at cover designing as well as full comic illustrations.
Since i am not in very close touch with Raj Comics hence its inappropriate for me to comment about its cover artists.
and yes,..pls drop me a mail for Deewana scans as by mistake i have lost your mail id.
congratulations. was away from blog world for some time.
TPH: Thanks TPH,we are missing you.
Hi ... I m quite new to ur blogs... But I love the collection u hv... especially the new ones frm MCK... namely Alha-Udal and Teimur-Lang... Actually i had these two stories as part of a digest comic book... along with another story of Gaura-Badal...
But time and my kid brother ate away the starting and end pages of the digest, leaving only the gaura-badal story intact... I would love to read the above two stories again.. them...
Samuncle: Welcome on CW.ts nice to find another MCK lover.Well,currently i am posting MCKS on my blog as well in a community too,which is for MCKs only.You can find may MCKs from that community.
Here is its address:
bachpan ki yaad aa gai. tulsi comics, radha, manoj, durga, inderjaal, fort or sabhi aaj bina kisi comparizon ke apna bachpan lag rahi rahi hai. mai aaj bhi dariyaganj jaisi purani books ki market me jakar inhe dhundhta hu, ke kaash kahi se koi bhi purani comics mil jaye mai kharid leta hu. lekin phir bhi sabhi nahi mil pati. kya koi mujhe aisi koi jagah ya site bata sakta hai jaha se mai ye sab comics pa saku. maine suna hai k jyadatar comics lovers ke pass purani comics digital format me hai. kya aap me se koi in comics ko share karna chahega , i would be very thank full of you frinds
Hey all, I 've aroung 5 GB of comics but these aren't MCK or Indrajaal's so I wont be posting these here.
I remember reading comics on rent, sitting in the shop itself for rs. 0.25 per comics. Mandrek, Baitaal, Rajan Iqbaal, Hawaldaar bahadur and many more..
Now I'm 30 and working as a Manager in telecom company but still i've subscribed Champak, Nandan & searching for Lotpot to subscribe yearly.
Anybody having any Idea about how to subscribe Lotpot can tell me.
Hi mr comic guy,
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to have brought all the memories of my childhood back to me.those times of 80s and 90s.
I was so so surprised to go through you blogspot that you have almost all characters, all comics up on you webpage.
IT is pretty comprehensive and detailed.
You have done an awesome research and collection job.
I now stay in manchester and I know these comics will never be available in anyway but your attempt to scan them and put them has brought all memories back.
Great great work.
Lastly,I was in class 5 or 6 when i read VICHITRA ANGHOOTHI....I was so surprised to have a cover page of it on your webpage.
This shows your great love and affinity towards you marvellous interest about comics...
Great jobs once again.
Raman Sharma: Many thanks for the kind words.You are most welcome here with your valuable inputs.
Great efforts !!
How can I get the Aalha Udal MCK?
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